COD4: Recruiting 3rd!

We, a fully sponsored (gamesvr, ts, vent, HP) 3on3-Team, are looking for a 4th man to re-complete the lineup. Our 3rd will fold more or less and become a backup player.
We are former ET-players and therefore experienced in esports in general. Our current skill is around "med" and we are looking for someone that can compete with the enemys we fight a little better than we do, cauz we r pretty new to this game (1,5months) and we need a reason to want you ^^
German players preferd but we are capable of speaking english (vocal skills better than this text :D).
Plz pmme with info about you here and u will receive further info about us.
flame on and dont hestitate to ask me! :)
nice post gl
ill bang your mom
<- can merc add me to xfire kesnel
zomg i added you!
zomg i saw !!!
omg add me oh wait already got u
take me, I'm playing cod4 like 1week now or so, but I'm a fast learner!
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