2guys cless

oh the memories :) ...
I started playing ET with a classmate of mine few weeks ago - once again - simply to have a good laugh on pubs - which we had indeed :). But as pubbing becomes dull and most servers are populated by imbecils that only care for their ego stats we might want to try playing in a clan once more. Nothing too serious really since I am not eager to train like mad to compete with all the new talents out there :D.
When it comes to activity we will be able to show up at least 3 times a week, maybe more but 3 times is what Im certain about.

Just realised Im really short on time so I'll simply cut the rest down to a minimum.

Tom (my mate)
- low+ (played other fps before and is now adapting to et)
- good comms
- quite the fast learner
- able to speak German and English

- got the looks and the experience, but somehow I lost my old aim on the way here :D
- prefer EU teams
- profile :D

about you:
- be active and not pubwise please, we actually want to scrim
- comm server is a big must
- game server is a bonus
- mature players
- other than that I don't really care

Even though I've got the feeling that I won't receive anything but the usual CF blabbering, I might have luck after all :)
got to work now :( laters
yep lol my bad hows work?
ur the 2nd guy who replied to me and then deleted his comment today :D

eurgh..was sort of busy in the morning, now just sitting here chatting with mates and browsing the awesome internetz. and how about you? also i've got an offer for you, i'll speak about it tonight on IRC tho.
Offer Oo lol ite cool, works long today i have to learn about ip addressing like the back of my hand all types shapes and sizes lol brb lunch
just got back from lunch :D k enjoy ur lunch and prolly see you tonight on irc/vent
gl (no one will take you)
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