Sektor Gaming Quality Cup

image: cupbanner

Now the signup system is ready and working we are glad to announce that the signups for the Sektor Gaming Quality Cup are finally open!

image: et_logoET Cup

All matches will be played in 6on6 format. Both teams pick 1 map. In case of a tied game there will be a coin toss. The winner can choose the 3rd map. The looser chooses their side.

Matches must be played with the Clanbase 6on6 config. No other config will be tolerated!

image: map Maplist
  • Adlernest
  • Battery
  • Bremen_b2
  • Radar
  • Supply
  • Sw_goldrush_te
  • sp_Delivery_te
  • karsiah (perhaps)

image: calendar Schedule
  • 18/08 :: Signups open
  • 18/09 :: Signups close
  • 20/09 :: Groups created
  • 29/09 :: First bracket match week
  • 06/10 :: Second bracket match week
  • 13/10 :: Third and last bracket match week
  • 20/10 :: Start playoffs
  • 20/11 :: Grand Final

image: COD4 COD4 Cup

All matches will be played in a 5on5 format. Both teams will have to pick 1 map (24 rounds/map). In case of a tied game we will be going into overtime, teams have to agree about the map (6 rounds/map).

The matches will be played with the latest promod config (currently: v3 final). No other config will be tolerated!

image: map Maplist
  • mp_backlot
  • mp_citystreets
  • mp_crash
  • mp_crossfire
  • mp_strike
  • mp_vacant

image: calendar Schedule
  • 18/08 :: Signups open
  • 18/09 :: Signups close
  • 20/09 :: Groups created
  • 29/09 :: First bracket match week
  • 06/10 :: Second bracket match week
  • 13/10 :: Third and last bracket match week
  • 20/10 :: Start playoffs
  • 20/11 :: Grand Final

image: user_gray Admins

Belgium Boetn
Netherlands Caesr
Netherlands Kaaskop

image: email Contact

mail: [email protected]
irc: #sektor @ Quakenet

image: award_star_add Prizes

At the moment we can't promise you guys anything but we are doing our best to find sponsors so the winners can take a nice prize to their homes after their effort!

image: help Tutorials
We are currently busy creating tutorials so you have a walk through guide for the cup.
In these tutorials we will explain how you need to create and account, create a team, join a team and many many more!

We hope you will appreciate this effort from us to make it a lot easier for you.

image: group Sponsors

This cup is at the moment powered by:
image: 47209392kf4
need more sektor cup forum threads
make news item, hyperlink the sponsor image and change the maplist
i'm on it, thanks for the intel
remove frostbite and b4 and its wunderbra, and paste everything here and press ''ok''
not the first comment that says us to drop b4 and frost so i think we might just do that :D
dont forget the news post!!!!
k, posted it
again, no teams will last for 3 months :(
no ET, no fun!

I missed 3/4 text!
ye.... i know.... but im not soo stupid laik looks!

Forums » Call of Duty :(
yeah, i also posted it on ET forums because it's a cup for ET and COD4 but they deleted it over there, so that's not my fault
its not our problem..... its my problem cuz i dont wear glasses :D
Why a month sign-ups? You'll see a lot of clans who sign-up at the beginning and are dead before the groupmatches start ^^
i know it's a bit early but if we want to have some sponsors we need to get some teams to sign up. because no teams means no sponsors.

It's just a thing of giving and taking.

the more teams sign up, the more change you get good sponsors. Sam counts with the skill of the teams.
go4it !!!!!
Sektor Gaming Quality Cup ?
Quality banner?

gtfo xD
it's not a banner creating contest, is it?
lol if the banner shit its the same with the contest IMO xD
lolled, if it helps you, i didn't make the banner but i do create the cup :D
so than creat a better one imo :XD and dont use paint :X
Feel free to do so, i'm sure as hell ain't a hero with photoshop :D

pm me on IRC if you need something
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