New Talent Searching..

So hello. I would like to announce that I am searching team.

What can I offer:
- REAL med- skill
- mature
- whineTARDnot
- activity and so on

What I want?
- stable team with real med- / more skill

P.S Yes, I am an ex-cheater, but let me explain few things.
1. My ban finished in January.
2. I didn't play since I wanted to buy new PC.
3. I grown up so I know now that I don't need cheats to play on good level.

P.S.2 Please, don't whine at me. I just don't want to matter anyone. I was playing 2y before started to cheating. Now I am really fair and I don't want to hurt anybody.

Cheaters used to say that they won't cheat aynmore
If you still want to say that, keep continue. Some guys are changing, I just dont want to lie like 19847476483465856957493456 ppl here
so what do people say according to you when they want to confirm they won't continue with the choices he made in the past
You can think that and tell answer to me tomorrow
I know I did bad... I should't do that. I spent one year in my cell and just though about some things. If you dont want dont trust me, but from now I am LANable as well ;)
QuoteNew Talent

see you in next EC
Just need to title it, I gave that ;)
what is REAL med- skill?
It's the same as low+
It's not crossfire skill. Guys posting here are in 90% low+...
I am a clean player now, but as I said before "if you don't want, don't trust me"
Good luck anywayz :) I don't know u but everyone deserves a second change tbh.
crossfire skill is med+ so you writing REAL med- skill means nothing except that you're low+
curious as to why you dont use this accnt ? your bans served now at so nothing to hide.
I forget the password and ID as well XD now I know the ID.
Anyway, thx Sherlock : )
lol no wonder you forgot you had like 5 accounts :D:D
no shit, seriously? I actually know about... 2. I have internet from "LAN(?)" and we all (10 ppl) have the same IP and we can't fix it
good luck! everyone deserves a 2nd chance I guess:):)
yeah he server his ban and at least admits it like a man! gl
Here comes poland, the land of new talents?
Oh my gosh. Can you stop whining on my country?
I said, I was stupid, but I admited that I did it... not like the others.
Just give me the 2nd chance, please.
new talent and med- lololololo
omg I told it once - IT'S JUST A TITLE!
1acheateralwaysacheater so gtfo
no, check the Bulld0g's comment
once a cheater, always a kanker
once a cheater, always a kanker
x' D i lol'd
i don't like cheaters, u ?
me neither :D i lol'd @ the kanker part :DD
gl, atleast he served his ban, and seems to be mature about it, gl
thank you so much :)
P.S Yes, I am an ex-cheater, but let me explain few things.
1. My ban finished in January.

bans never finish when ppl see it on yawn imo
hf with seeing it on my yawn
omfg hack0r GTFO OMG U NUB
u cheated... so fuck of, leave this game, leave crossfire, leave ur computer, leave ur room, leave ur parents, leave ur friend, go in the woods.
and watch a tree, u ll see how much the birds on it are laughing about you.

"let me explain few things"

u download a porn and the hack was installed auromaticly?
it as an error, u thinked cheat s are an first person shooter GAME?
it was ur parent's buy solding smth by ebay out?

fosho go away.

u hacked, u ll continue to hack!

gtfo from my parents and one more. If you really want to whine, pls spamm my box. I'll be glad to read your retarded messages.
gl with new identity
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