about cod4 mods..

so what is the difference between promod and pam4? i've been playing mostly pam4 and i've been enjoying it,yesterday we played 2vs2 in a promod server and wtf,there was a sniper on enemy team?

is there any other handicaps on it? you seem to know that promod is the best and i wan't to know why? because i am a noob. ^_^

btw found nice rule on CB:

"Clans in the top 10 must play at least 1 legitimate match a month, which is not a no-show. Clans in the top 10 who haven't played a match in 28 days will be removed from the ladder without warning."

source : http://clanbase.ggl.com/rules.php?lid=7514

well umm,i first lol'd at the rule but now i am starting to feel that maybe this is a good rule after all,dunno,im tired etc 8))

morning 8) i like more promod coz bandolier and stoping power is avi, dont remember which abilities was avi in pam4 but i remember there was more of them avi:P
pam allows only bandolier and stoping power :| and it's good, dunno what all in promod,
rly?:o then i remember wrong:o coz promod allow only allow those 2(bandolier, stoping power)
or it's just me =)

COD4 PAM4 Ruleset

Weapons -
Assault:- All
Spec Ops:- All except Skorpion and Mini-Uzi
Heavy Gunner:- RPD Only
Demolitions:- W1200 Only. No Grip
Sniper Rifles:- M40A3. R700.
Attachments:- Red Dot, Silencer, Acog.

Perks -
Perk One:- Bandolier only
Perk Two:- Stopping Power, Slight of Hand
Perk Three:- Deep Impact

hihi, i was right:) so promod > pam4
but i haven't seen any snipers in pam4 tho. and i found more and more of other rules in different ladders and so on,where pam was tweaked liek nothing perks allowed etc..

i don't know it,that's why i asked.
dunno about snipers in pam4:P but maybe they r not so usefull in pam4
well i think its the other way around ,the damage was reduced maybe just for wall banging in promod with the scope, so probably was better in pam4.
i have only 1 time played pam4 and it was 2o2, opponent didnt use sniper:) so i cant say, prolly u r right
pam4 doesn't do anything about snipers etc. The rulesets does that.
Promod has a standardized ruleset, so you don't have to upload rulesets for every league etc. However, you can use a custom ruleset here too if needed.

If you play 2v2 in promod, make sure that you're using 2v2 match mode, and not the regular match mode.
rcon promod_mode 2v2_mr10 (switch 10 with 12 if you want mr12, and it might be 2vs2_mr10, can't remember atm).
so basicly they are the same,but like you said "promod has a standardized ruleset". ok thx this helped me alot :)
Aye, where in pam4 you had to download all the rulesets, and many of them would be different from each other, promod comes with one standard that has been acknowledged by the majority of the league and pro-players.

This is from the release documents of promod(there's some difference in the amount of strat type depending on which mode you run. Think the sniper is removed in the 2v2 mode, but never played 2on2 with promod actually);
The ruleset:
6 second strat time
3 SMG limit - with the promod smg fix
1 sniper - with awp fix
No-sway fix
45 second bomb fuse
1:45 minute round length
5 second plant time
7 second defuse time
Codqcup fall damage
LMG Disabled
Red-dot sight disabled
Bandolier/stopping power fixed perks
Kerro minulle yksi henkilö, jotka soittaa cod4 klo crossfire?
umm tell you what? :D who calls cod4 klo crossfire? :D
´´kerro minulle yksi henkilö joka pelaa cod4 crossfireläisistä or what ever you wan't to call this.. i think it's liek 30% of this communit ^^
not rly! 10% - 15%
from those you has officially quited ET+this channel maybe, counting those who plays both the ammount is bigger :XD
3/4 cod4 players @ crossfire play ET 2 !
might be,or might be not,hard to tell,shall i care? :XDDDDDDD
joj si radovedn :~>
Tell me one person who plays cod4 at crossfire?

z Bohinja
ja ampak... sm mislu da kje drugje zivis... u kerm jeziku je blo to?
the sniper doesnt have the crosshair going round all the time so you dont need to hold the breathe...

with promod you can call pauses, you can selfkill, you can drop the bomb (i dont know if in pam these were available since i didnt play it), in the latest promod they show you the amount of bullets you currently have in the magazine and total amounts of bullets left with the gun...

hmmmm thats what i can think
Well.. Another fun fact..

ProMod is supported by Game Developers - PAM4 is not :)
promod is leet pam4 is fucking shite, GG
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