Me'za Evelable!

United States of AmericaGermany


i'm interested in playing some serious 6on6 again, like the forthcoming EuroCUP and maybe anything else which might come for ET.
so yes, i'm like active again, sort of ;-)

i'm experienced enough (6 years of q3/rtcw/et)
i'm being accused for nub botting
i'm luv'd by women
i'm old enough
i'm funnay
i'm sexy

i'v lol'd
i'v hum0r
i'v NO hairy ass!!
i'v a very good music/female taste
i'v played on your so called EC LEVEL
i'v a very balanced mix of brains & aim

i am able to play as a:

fast / slickricky reviving medic
average fop
smart smg engi
and especially as a strong sniper cov.

but i can actually play all classes (except for soldier). shouldn't be a problem.
even rifle engineer but preferably medic, smg engi & cov.

you should be a team playing on a good / decent level (no OC first <> last league)
you should be NO 2WEEKS team or a newly formed team
you should have an average age of 18
you should look sexhey, smell sweet
you should have a sense for humor
you should be friendly and nice :-)
you should stfu in comms and only talk when needed ;-)

and well ..

that's about it .. :P

pm me in #rewind or #kuraigu

and no crap peops, no beggin', no spam, no dis, no dat .. plz .. .

plz no dumb comments about me being a cheater ..

image: olo_q
image: 1187_411-w

cheater :D
good luck :>
come to xfire FAST, need2ask something :>
i am !!! xD 1 day later :P
ahahahahah he has the skill to say bullshit on ventrilo ! :D
goodluck mate
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