ET cless

image: youknowsn5


  • Been playing ET from the beginning
  • Clean (No tasty red triangles and shit) YAWn
  • Instead of whining i tend to make weird noises with my mouth!
  • Available @ most of the evenings
  • I speak Polish/English (at least understandable, i think), and would prefer some CLEAN PolandPL (Maybe i'm asking for too much) clan, but i can play in some EuropeEU english-speaking too, np.
  • I think I'm like, around a med skill. Maybe the lower part of it, i don't know, i dont have any degree in skill-estimation (some people are acting like they have one)
  • Playing medic/can play eng smg
  • 19 years old
  • I like to call myself a graphic designer, so you can profit from that as well, but i'm really lazy when it comes to these things - check my profile.


  • Active!
  • Friendly, no ego fueled retards, no vent/ts/ingame-whining bitches. I've had enough of it.
  • Clean
  • Preferably PolandPL, but EuropeEU english-speaking will do.
  • Vent/TS ofc
  • It would be nice if you had a server
  • 6on6!
  • Mature people
  • Stable lineup

My 'ET-career' is.. quite short, and not that impressive, i've played in, like.. 5 clans? From which only one is worth mentioning cause we were playing together for a looong loooong time now and even play sometimes nowadays (rarely and it's mixing, BUT!) - Polandpresage. One was really lowtardish and the rest - bad organisation, whine, one new lineup/week and shit like that.
Pm me here or msg TylerDurden / kz / rkz / kaze / whatever comes to my head, just ask for rkz @ #presage-et @ QNet
OC is back, and all of a sudden ET is back alive <3


GL! Take him
GL! ET is still dead but kaze's alive.
And he's not an ego fueled retard ,like Jadolek for instance, and I have degree in detecting retards.
i'd take ya man, but don't have anywhere to go :/
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