EC skiller cless

not rly.

Hi again,
since i found out that iam not active enough to play in the main lineup for a clan, iam searching again. I was looking for a backup spot in some stable clan, or for a community/mixclan with many players, so that when iam online i can always play some wars. A nice 3on3 team would be cool too.

About me:

  • 18 years old
  • lol+ skilled
  • Able to play med/eng/fops
  • Iam from Switzerland and i speak Germany, England, Italy
  • Active ca. 3 evenings or less per week, never avi on weekends.
  • More info like exclans in my profile

About you:

  • Pls have a vent server, i hate all the noise on TS.
  • No cheaters
  • Skill dosen't matter

Write me a pm here on crossfire, since my BNC is down

image: i-cant-see-shit
Pls have a vent server, i hate all the noise on TS.

u can disable them .!
not clientside afaik, the codec of the server/channel has to be changed.
Options -> Sound Notifications -> Disable all sounds .
i dont mean that...
i mean the general noise due to bad codecs.
thats just a microphone configuration fail + voice sensitivity
gl gargamel :))
go Garg!!!
gl garg :>
again and again and again :D gl
who the fuck uses ts nowadays?
garg still clanless :O people are missing a true skiller here :O
GL garg!
who made that pic deserves to die in a car fire
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