Where to play?


I used to play a lot rtcw when it was "big". I played @ clans radium, ocrana and boh. Now I'm desperately seeking some servers where I can hang out. Since I've been playing a lot et lately, I remembered the love I once felt for rtcw.

As ASE seems to be broken, could some1 be so kind to post two or three good public servers?

thx a lot, ssm

PS. It would be interesting to know, wether some of my old "pals" are still or again active?

They're welcome to contact me aswell.
21 rTg.Girls4free
rtc or something
join #hohespielkultur dear boh.sesam, you'll probably find some of your old (team)mates !
rTg or jolt if anyone goes there now :/
hm, need to install irc first :;)
then there willl be a reply
Then a thousand virgins will fall on your lap
female's only plx 12+
go and play outside
who is unk?
pls, more respect to an old e-friend :)

wb du oide hittn :)
everybody just play on the free demo for RTCW thats pro
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