

im posting this on behalf of my good clanless friend dHana.

So as you can c from the title dHana is currently clanless and is looking for a clan.
So here is some info about dhana : )

- playing et since 2008/02/06 and doesnt have a red yawn
- Skill is around low+
- he is 20 years old and 100% italian but live's in NL
- Active
- he prefers to play medic but could also play eng/smg
- he doesnt got a micro atm but will fix that soon

And here are some things dhana expects from you atleast

- nice stable team with mature players no kiddies
- skill should be around low+
- no red yawners
- Serious and active
- have your own vent chan

If you think that dhana is the guys for your team you can contact dhana or me here at cf or you could contact me @ irc #anotherteam [lp5] DRAY

On behalf of dHana Arrivederci!

image: viscachaun8image: a2e29307372fa0largesk2image: viscachaun8
GL dhana :D
gl dray leave your clan plz
good luck
Is his dutch ok?
ghana? :o
thought the same :o
nice guy GL :)
unexpected that you dont post "med+" like all others so...

good luck! :)
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