oc cless #12431432

stll looking clan/teams for oc

what i want:
-skill doesnt matter, coz i have been little bit inactive and i'm currently low+/med-
-no kiddos
-no obvious/busted cheaters
-going oc
-ventrilo or teamspeak server
-Finlandprefer but EU teams r ok too

-skill low+/med-
-going to be active if i find oc team
-can play mon-thursday
-not cheater
-got good gamesense
-playing 1-2 years
-old clans FUS, some 1-2 weeks teams
-i can play with every class, but medic or fop prefer, and i got uber panza skills, u can confirm that asking nugis or kaptenski:<

i'm currently backup in #osuu.et, but i wanna play in oc :<

shouts to daddy jew cohen:~>

i got new yawn coz bought new comp, and moved to another house, older yawn is there somewhere
u can contact me here or @ quakenet Hopeaa or HopeaOFF

flame on
random pic:

image: 359034xb7
image: w411
gl nice pic :P
first you are med and then low+ :D
lil break doesnt change ur skill that much :EE

gl tho
dont know but before break i got usually over 3000 dmg in 10 min agaisnt med- and played 5o5 few days ago 7 kills 21 deaths agaisnt med- :<
lol that sais nothing about your skill.
rofl pic :o
every time when i'm searching team, every1 just look my pic and leave:P
;] #6aHga.et they are looking for nice 6th =)
#6aHga.et unable to join channel (need correct key):(
geeliä hoppeeee
GO HOPEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA <3333333333333333333
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