
Hy mates!

xPert-Gaming powered by pr0-Gaming has made at 2006.nov.11 23:47...My mate NetherlandshayA asked me to make a new clan, and finally we choosed xPert-Gaming name. At the secound day (12.) we was 4, NetherlandshayA, FinlandTolKki, HungaryReflex andd me HungarysEED...
I found GermanyTugZ, who wanted to sponsor a team, and he said he trust me and my new team and give us 4 server and a 40slot team-speak serv...(i hope we will have ventrillo serv)http://pro-gaming.netgamezone.de/ here's our webpage wich is very new and under constructing

Today we get a new member NetherlandsTymo and we made some tax and played some prac war with some tryout...

So the currently lineup iss:

HungarysEED (L) ->medic
NetherlandshayA (Co.-L) ->field-medic
HungaryReflex ->medic
FinlandTolKki ->engi-rifle
NetherlandsTymo ->medic

We're recuiting a med/med+ (higher->better:O) engi/smg.
Must speak english.
Must be avilable every day(exept friday) from 19:00-22:00
Must be nice and have microphone and Teamspeak
Must be mature and dont whine all the time thx.

if u're interested plz join our IRC chan #xPert and pm xP`sEED

plz dont flamehhhh thx for all! and come our headshot serv :o) seed
low+ max rofl
ahh i waited for comments like your...
dont mess with shitty he's high :<
gl haya!
Marssin tahtiin Timo Tolkin paikkaan Jumalan.
gl tolKki <3 very nice rifler
unknow players rofl and med+high oFC§
ofc, just like you DSky.rqmbo

get a life
haya = leraxt?
tymo = zipp0?

gl guys
tymo = zipp0 ja
haya = niet leraxt:P hijs xsnce kweet niet of dat je wat zegt:p
Ja ik was Zipp0 =o
Heb je nog steeds zo'n hoge stem?
xaya = LeRaxt.
seed have high guitar skill
reflex have sexy voice :)

GL guys
reflex nem fejezted abba az et-t? :D ugyis 1,5 honapja nem jatszottal XD
cowboys powa
just cos sum1's unknown doesnt mean their low skill imo
Seedo XD az 1 mix clan > xfire.be / jornuals
megtalalod ;)
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