Simple concept gaming

Simple Concept Gaming...
is currently searching for 3 new members

Since the old scg lineup folded just before the OC we are in search of a further 3 members to complete our lineup. We are hoping to be in around OC Div 3 so we are searching members around med- higher with some experience.

What We Want From You[/b]]
x. Around med- and above
x. Friendly
x. Be experienced
x. Be up for a laugh, but be serious when needed :)
x. Nice comms
x. No kiddies, and no whining, maturity
x. Be active and avi for practices
x. United Kingdom English speaking

What We Will Offer In Return[/b]]
x. Nice and friendly team, that can compete at a stable level
x. Clan stability. Not just a 2 week team
x. Nice comms - Cool guys on vent always up for a laugh :)
x. Ventrilo Server
x. Possibly games server

Current Lineup
Finland s, mAtiii
United Kingdom s, spariii
United Kingdom s, rAAAGE
Europe You? (Medic)
Europe You? (Medic/SMG)
Europe You? (Rifle)

United Kingdom s, Tommy:x,

I will say we are med+ just for the crossfire rant and rave :DDD
flame on

irc #scg /q scg^spAriii
PM on crossfire (Not yet finished)

Random pic
image: fail-owned-phone-fail
might wana give your irc channel or something
yerr i just noticed thanks for comment (:
gl spari
thanks m8 <3 :)
yes, ccleaner
gl ryan
chris :) <3
gl ryan!

zLOLz hacker replied.
hack0000rrr! :P
Gl spar m8 :) <3 And nice post btw ^^
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