Simple concept gaming
Simple Concept Gaming...
is currently searching for 3 new members
Since the old scg lineup folded just before the OC we are in search of a further 3 members to complete our lineup. We are hoping to be in around OC Div 3 so we are searching members around med- higher with some experience.
Current Lineup
I will say we are med+ just for the crossfire rant and rave :DDD
flame on
irc #scg /q scg^spAriii
PM on crossfire (Not yet finished)
Random pic
is currently searching for 3 new members
Since the old scg lineup folded just before the OC we are in search of a further 3 members to complete our lineup. We are hoping to be in around OC Div 3 so we are searching members around med- higher with some experience.
Current Lineup
I will say we are med+ just for the crossfire rant and rave :DDD
flame on
irc #scg /q scg^spAriii
PM on crossfire (Not yet finished)
Random pic
zLOLz hacker replied.