60 hz bug

After format i think i have it (i minimize et, rightclick at desktop, properties, settings, advanced, monitor and i see 60hz and everything seems more laggy than usual for me when i play et (normal framerate but really choppy (than normal) gameplay)), i have r_displayrefresh at 100 @ 100 maxfps @ 100 maxpackets @ rmode 4 and I never had any problems before format. So dear crossfire, how do I fix this? Do I even have this bug and how can I be sure?


Geforce 2 Mx 400, 40.41 Nvidia drivers (2003 or smth)
Philips 109S4 CRT
Windows XP Service Pack 2

i have 1024x768 @ 85 hz which is normal when i dont play ET

atm trying different nvidia drivers 93,71 (for geforce 4 now)

googled already, only found some bullshit programs/registry editing solutions
force it to 100 in your driver

edit: can your monitor even handle 100? O_O
it can handle 120 hz @ rmode 4
NO idea.
check ingame your hz in the monitor menu
if it's not 100hz FIND and install driver for your MONITOR, add custom resolution+refresh if there's none(use rivatuner/ nvidia control panel/ whatever)
oh and if happens only when you minimize - tick "change resolution on minimizing" @ minimizer options
thanks, I will try that
geforce 2 is so 2003
2000/2001 ;[
I had it in 2003, updated with gf4 in 2004!
i had since october 2000, it was fucking ownage then, played shogo and q3 with decent fps!
I bought a new graphicscard - and can go upto close to 200.. how can I tell if my monitor can handle it? will it just be greyed out?
it will explode taking along your whole PC
on css there was a bug like this aswell, turn off VSync @ Nvidia drivers.
enjoy your tearing
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