Eirik avi for CC5 and Red light District!

Hi as duke and w3st has posted,I'm avi.
These Posts are only to check for oppertunities out there, in case not us (re-play) can get a team for CC5

You shud be top team that can compete on the highest level and u will get a bodyguard at cc5 in return, can pay by myself.

/q Re-play|Eirik if u have something intresting going on!

ps: (send me a working config plz)

re-play zZz Still needs a 6th /q Re-play|Lazio for infos if u want to be apart of the team

ps2: Would like to get to know some1 in amsterdam who can show me red light district!
holly shit your 18 shit u look at least 30

gl btw
gl man, eu prolly looking for 1 more
re-play died :)
nop still alive!.
Still searching a 6th !
dunz avi we kicked him from acc
gl eirik :)
About the red light district think me splodge bulld0g and munchies are going for a few days before/after so let us know.
I was hoping to go before, planning to travell to amsterdam the 8th or 9th.
Think we are going on the 10th in the morning So if your around and wanna go see sex shows and stuff let one of us know before the event, we are found @ #signum

Think we also have a space or 2 in our cars we might be renting. Ill keep you posted on that though :D
GL Eirik poooner :')
gl u sexy beast
gl eirik <333usuck33333 :)
gl eirick!!
watttt xDdgd
why rnt u in re-play anymore and why dont u participate @ cc5 ?
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