Fierro needs a cod4 clan

After not finding any decent clan to play ET in, i deceded to stick to cod4.

Some basics about me:

> 16 years old, that doesen't make me mature, but I consider myself being mature enough.
> Estonian, fluent english.
> Skill around med
> I would like to play assault / specops
> I talk alot in vent
> I'm a loyal, motivated and a skilled player.
> My cod expirence sticks to 6 months.
> I like to rush but i can also play a camp tax :)
> Avi almost everyday from 19.00 to 23.00 CET
> Former clans - #accurate / #o2.cod4

The team should be:

> 16+ of age.
> Around med skill, should have tax and teamplay.
> English comms and should talk about ingame alot.
> Fun to play with.

Catch me at:

IRC: #o2 or #glitz
Xfire: Fierroz
Or just a leave a PM on crossfire
gl fierro :)
good lucky
i need a cod4 clan too :<
no u don't !
Bulld0gs blessing may with you!
good luck : )
PM me on Irc #notacod4clan.cod4 and lets do you a tryout
> 16 years old, that doesen't make me mature, but I consider myself being mature enough.
cod4 is for noobs like u
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