Weird problem with ET

I often can't connect to servers with the 2.60b patch and the latest etpro, all being 9999 + 100% packet loss in ASE. When I try to connect the game keeps saying "awaiting connection".
I can connect to ETTV or "etpub mod" servers and my internet connection works fine, after a while (sometimes 5 minutes, sometimes 2 hours) the state returns to normal and I can connect everywhere.
It's really annoying since I only installed ET a month ago and I'd like to play :l
I'd appreciate any help, you can either post it here or find me on #twk , I'm rarely on irc though.
pbns.dat in your pb folder. remove it?
Thanks, I did that now, let's hope it works in the evening when the issue usually occurs.
I think it worked, thanks a lot! :)
when u got this problem, did u try direct connecting in ET without ASE?
I think something similar happened to my friends but they could connect directly via ET
Yep, tried connecting from irc and directly via ET, didn't work :l
hmm you updated pb?
Yes, several times..
hmm watch in your cfg mayve there is something wrong?
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