Eurocup discussion!

Direct invites (with order):

Europe re-play - lazio, griim, rat, w3st, eirik, hell
Estonia - night, urtier, r3vers, jakazc, senji, reload
Europe TLR - clown, dav1d, lightning, matias, maus, winghaven
Belgium Overload - acid, vila, lio, kevin, jetro, zeto, mesq
Europe polar - mztik, xylos, sqzz, toxic, snoop, gifty, adacore
Finland murso - chmpp, twidi, mikza, lettu, iron, cadei, squall
Belgium 8Bits FiF Green - worm, joof, jere, vanq, freedune, barbon, sil, ziff
Finland Incomplete - fel, raptor, spirea, stuka, crosby, tunesa

Qualifications (with order):

Poland Fear Factory - wrobel, wiesiek, n00n, zmk, xanah, dvk3, templar
Germany HIGHBOT - humm3l, weak, hazer, duke, fireball, reaz, flixx
Poland authentic - aphesia, naga, phobeus, r1co, uf0l, dialer, edain
France muse - douille, frk, pheex, reaver, zorn, mazette
Croatia cortana - gmx, calisto, komar, mama, fra, gunner, acozz
Germany aToon - sal, shitty, roxor, h20xyg3n, euruz, blitz, hype
Europe TAG - overdrive, hope, med1xza, vinyl, abort, fuzz, ross
Germany wnc - faky, criatura, ohzor4, violy, vegi, danone
Sweden disposable - alexl, newbje, crajsor, nordan, nuggan, savage, slajdan, jonas, wizzel, lotix
Europe S. N. Battalion - hentai, kye, sight, viax, meez, perfo, reikkeri
Netherlands dNan - haya, aeq, leonekke, ronner, spho, kitty, isen, fets, domi, ati, anox
Europe Jacks - dabster, rat, maxuh, emorej, xav, zerender, anim
Poland re-play devilry - boski, buzka, dolar, miks, robol, s4rna
France dESIRE - bruceh, sinus, keeji, k4rn4j, k2k, ovie, efax
Europe Imperox - carniee, kapaa, rayy, shizzle, squash, wesbo, xcn
Hungary overdose - adze, bori, d3st, debi, k4t0n4, kimji

no mpg this year x(
lalala gl mamut.
QuoteDirect invites (with order):

re-play - lazio, griim, rat, w3st, eirik, hell

they won OC premier
there's a little gap between OC and EC nowadays
second that -

won warleagues, won oc prem, 3rd esl masters. wot
without much opposition

but you guys prolly improved a lot by playing a lot so ill take my word(s) back ;)
I see that as a good thing, since we clearly showed we were the strongest team in last season's OC, together with savak.

And reinforced that with some good games in ESL Masters, against "topclans".
point proven

It was always like that. Right decision.
tbh they played awsome and could even give a good fight vs impact in the ESL series and could win vs the best teams tbh and they won OC premier and they are one of the most stable teams out there atm so its not a big suprise :(
gl re-play, tlr and tag :D
murso = vae
add Austria 'inTro' to the Qualifications and it's fine :')
will be announced tomorrow.
add Czech Republic NR
what, where is the polar comeback news?
no perfo, no newspost

du hänger ju inte med i svängarna! :(
FF instead of Incomplete and i agree
NOP replay for fearfactory would be better
gl Hungarydebi _D:
you might be pretty close to the actual list :-)
Well this EC isn't worth watching. Where the fuck is Keran and co?
re-play are dead afaik, don't even know if polar has a proper lineup

looks generally okay though
no re-play are still going afaik. just one or 2 not going lan so rest were looking for a different lan team.
nop just 1 not lanavi, rest still playing together
no accurate :<<<<<<
fifg = invite and snb quali? that's a good one
- 1st @ latest SummerCup 5v5
- 4th @ ESL Major Series
- 1st @ 6v6 CB ladder
- being the most active team lately

they deserve it pretty much tbh :P
"Being the most active team lately"

Saying that alone says it all, no need to mention that the won those cups, it isn't exactly hard to be active in ET now though is it?
the point is that they deserve that invite, period :-)
Due to the fact that no good teams are actually active, sure
tbh not really, same goes for incomplete
being active doesn't make them necessarily better

and what makes someone worthy of being in the highest league of ET?
the skill level imo

i'm not saying they aren't skilled enough, but this empathic approach is imo just wrong
Didn't think of it that way actually, never mind :)
FF on qualis WTF!!!
polar - mztik, xylos, sqzz, toxic, snoop, gifty, adacore
give them qualli and incomplete also
get a pc first :D
tomorrow i buy the part i need but today public holiday fucks sake :(
there is better than imperox
HF Scotty <3
rofl, It's not what it used to be anymore :<
Tbh, even though Inc isn't that active or either skilled (=D), there's not even one better clan by looking @ history, in the quali teams and I doubt by far even fifg can't be said been achieved more, so plz gtfo saying fifg or FF deserves it more than Inc.
fifg got 4th place in EMS last season afaik, so they actually have achieved something ;D

inc and ff both still have to prove themselves
yes, EMS season was great success.
indeed, all the best teams were present and they played to their utmost abilities.

i don't agree with it and i don't think they're good enough for an invite, but they have the achievements nonetheless.
i just don't like them

they have 1 etbot customer (which is already enough for me to gtfo them)
one suspicious player
they lost even to TAG at CDC4 (dunno lineup tho)
and now they can take maps from top teams
i assume they have been playing long time together, and only now their true potential has finally started to show off?
+ they crash servers

and again thats EMS season was very good, with all the forfeits and only few good team, which finished in TOP3, mostly
half the team is suspicious, they got a huge skillboost, they're the perfect representation of the ET scene!
Looks okey.
8 bits wtf? ......
if you put is there , set atleast the right line up

Netherlands dNan - cdap

Netherlands Ati_
Netherlands Modus
Netherlands spho
Netherlands joop
Belgium isENxL
Netherlands hayaa
Netherlands Domi
Netherlands Leonneke
wtf add me to atoon :<<
Super nigger battalion should have direct invite
disagree with incomplete, others are good i guess. if polar play with that lineup ;D
- polar
- 8bits
- incomplete
Sounds ok, tho @ last place I'd consider Incomplete, Cortana or SN Batallion.
FF & cortana need direct invite!
fifg deserves that spot so stfu and go play with ur balls pls.
no quali for us i see :(
you dont deserve it ..
why not? Stable for 4 months, skilled players and play well vs EC teams. They could easily take imperox' spot.
Im not saying that imperox should get the quali. And afaik they aren't playing active on the ladder like fifg. Fif proved themselfs in the EMS and the clanbase ladder. I think accurate has to play OC premier or 2nd league first.
no 6th league is better, retard
no. playing with guys like keeji is better :)
4 months? WOW!! U don't deserve it tbh.
nhf to anyone but I don't really see how do imperox get in there, played against them last week and they don't really seem as EC material, unless they had a really bad day ofc
lol imperox got quali-invite and accurate didn't

dont need moaning kiddies in ec
where is Netherlands Accurate ??
Explain! :D
??? what are u talking about
which criterions has a team to fit to be qualified for ec?
is that polar line-up for real?
being active doesn't make them necessarily better

and what makes someone worthy of being in the highest league of ET?
the skill level imo

i'm not saying they aren't skilled enough, but this empathic approach is imo just wrong

--edit: this was aimed at fifg
Then watch their latest achievements, mr.sponsor .. not so bad for a lowskilled team, eh?
I'm still waiting for FatGames' first achievement, buy some more players, and we wont have to wait long!
He did not buy them :-)
you know what I mean :P
whatever you say
FF imo @ invites, not quali 0o
would say teh same about auth
direct invite for cro.fra pl0x : (
we need more slots for this EC !

Europe re-play - Rat & Europe Jacks - Rat
no quali :(
i heard there won't be direct invites and only qualifiers.
hater, nice not adding me with TAG :'(
why imperox qualifier?
coz accurate isnt
there must be some better team as imperox or accurate i hope?
yup tornis' team is incoming, news soon :)
how is that team called? new snd squad :P?
its going to be twinzy with his pstarZ team! xD
vertel :P
like i said bet there is going to be another pstarZ like always
dont think so
wanna bet twinzy told me he is rebuilding!
bit late eh?
fu :<
If u deserve a quali we do aswell :<
im morf that's why
whaha :DD
Direct Invite for 8Bits FiF Green is laughable. Rest seems to be fine.
agree +-
The team that will most likely to play in the EC:

re-play - lazio, griim, rat, w3st, eirik, hell - night, urtier, r3vers, jakazc, senji, reload
TLR - clown, dav1d, lightning, matias, maus, winghaven
Overload - acid, vila, lio, kevin, jetro, zeto, mesq
polar - mztik, xylos, sqzz, toxic, snoop, gifty, adacore
murso - chmpp, twidi, mikza, lettu, iron, cadei, squall
8Bits FiF Green - worm, joof, jere, vanq, freedune, barbon, sil, ziff
Incomplete - fel, raptor, spirea, stuka, crosby, tunesa
Fear Factory - wrobel, wiesiek, n00n, zmk, xanah, dvk3, templar
HIGHBOT - humm3l, weak, hazer, duke, fireball, reaz, flixx
cortana - gmx, calisto, komar, mama, fra, gunner, acozz
disposable - alexl, newbje, crajsor, nordan, nuggan, savage, slajdan, jonas, wizzel, lotix
S. N. Battalion - hentai, kye, sight, viax, meez, perfo, reikkeri
authentic - aphesia, naga, phobeus, r1co, uf0l, dialer, edain

Jacks - dabster, rat, maxuh, emorej, xav, zerender, anim or/+
re-play devilry - boski, buzka, dolar, miks, robol, s4rna or/+
accurate - (smth like this:) dunz, destiny, eager, morf, santje, lol or/+ some other clan like dESIRE or muse..
finally some love for accurate <3
nice forgetting Sion and overboost!
you forget cdap
i agree that they should get an invite on activity alone, but not on skill (imo!)
as it seems they arent accepting polar anyway!
overdose is like med- max. they are not even close to med+
Where the hell is mystic and da boys!!?!?!
im not saying SNB should or shouldnt get a invite, im talking about fifg not being as skilled as some of the quali teams (imo). and ive seen snb play a bit, no where near like fifg though
Overdose and imperox aren't EC quali worthy
agree for overdose
same goes for desire,if et ace comes out
np4us, dont worry
np4use? wat
Hungary overdose - adze, bori, d3st, debi, k4t0n4, kimji
nice LU
adze,d3st,debi(who is debi?),k4tona,kimji arent playing for ovs
take authentic in , FIF deserves quali
othwerwise I agree with you
FiF aka oc div 200 1 year ago and replay aka phan, please I must laugh out loud =)
fra.fra :D
gl with cortana francois
PS:achete toi un micro stp
lol where INVITIUM ????????????????????????????
if playing 24/7 would mean something, we would have only mystic's and night's playing ET right now
Since when I'm a member of Hungary overdose ?
Fear Factory - wrobel, wiesiek, n00n, zmk, xanah, dvk3, templar

these direct in :)
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