selfkill error


when i move forward and sprint, i cant selfkill

does any1 know how to fix this?

gz, eCho
try a new config
you might have some lame keyboard that doesnt support certain buttons, in certrain groups pressed simultaneously :p If your selfkill is on keyboard ofc xD
That's true!

I had the problem once i tried to play Frets on Fire but I couldn't press F1, F2 and F3 at the same time!

And same goes for space + shift + forward
I cant even do c+q+w :<
dunno about that but in my case that would mean leanleft + forward + killout! So kinda pointless :D
C is tapout? WeirdzZZzz
get new keyboard
bind W "+sprint; +forward; kill;" :p

or buy new keyboard with multiple keypress-support... most of the random 5&#8364; keyboards dont...
u need more fingers
oh poo ;<

playing on laptop so cant rly change that.

i have sprint on spacebar, and move forward on "z". selfkill on "x" , binded to forcetapout ofc.

cant this be the problem?
try binding selfkill to another group of keys, further to the right f.e... mouse4 ftw btw xD
those 3 keys will all be part of the same grouping.

move selfkill one key over until it works.
selfkill >>> mouse3 or smth nP
ok gonna try to rebind it, maybe it'll solve it.

i'll let you know
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