cant bind weaponbank


i recently bought a new laptop and i made a new cfg to play with zqsd

only problem is that my MWHEELUP and MWHEELDOWN binds dont work ingame.


bind 1 "weaponbank 1"
bind 2 "weaponbank 2"
bind MWHEELDOWN "weaponbank 3"
bind 4 "weaponbank 4"
bind MWHEELUP "weaponbank 5"
bind r "weaponbank 6"
bind 7 "weaponbank 7"

all the rest is working properly, except those mouse binds.

gz, eCho
playing on laptop is gay !
Do you have vista? You must run your drivers as administrator.
Posted 7/24/2008 12:36:54 AM
Try this

Make sure you have the scroll wheel set to scroll through the skills. Just open up the options and go to config controls, scroll down and look what you have the previous/next skill set as.

Also if your using vista you may have to change the game compatibility from vista to windows 98. To do that just right click you diablo desktop icon, go to properties, then compatibility, then just change it from vista to wins 98.

Hope this helps

google is your friend!
what do you mean with weapon skills and stuff.

if i run in win 98 i get errors saying something about hunkmegs allocation
oh ye srry , I just copy pasted that from a forum on google, same problem as u got. The weaponskills n stuff is from another game so dont mind..
Don't know about the hunkmegs errors, but try to change it to lower or higher..
I'd throw a wild guess into the room and say the hunkmegs error occures because win 98 can't access memory of that size (dunno what your laptop has, but I just guess it's more than 1GB?:P)
i have weaponbank 5 + weaponbank 1 on the mousewheel, nothing wrong with that tbh.
how is that fail? got pistol and nade on mousewheel.
omg, that woman on your profile freaks me out 0.o
she's a Terminator :(
Pretty common actually.
you fail mr. 8 days
bind them like this:

bind 1 "weaponbank 1"
bind 2 "weaponbank 2"
bind 3 "weaponbank 3"
bind 4 "weaponbank 4"
bind 5 "weaponbank 5"
bind 6 "weaponbank 6"
bind 7 "weaponbank 7"
bind 8 "weaponbank 8"

bind MOUSE1 "+attack"
bind MOUSE2 "weaponbank 5"
bind MOUSE4 "weaponbank 6"
bind MWHEELDOWN "weaponbank 2"
bind MWHEELUP "weaponbank 1"

just an example but i'm sure you get the picture :P

at least this is the only way it works for meh
thanks for your input but unfortunalety it still doesnt work.

this is how it looks now:

bind 1 "weaponbank 1"
bind 2 "weaponbank 2"
bind 3 "weaponbank 3"
bind 4 "weaponbank 4"
bind 5 "weaponbank 5"
bind 6 "weaponbank 6"
bind 7 "weaponbank 7"
bind 8 "weaponbank 8"
bind r "weaponbank 6"

bind MWHEELDOWN "weaponbank 3"
bind MWHEELUP "weaponbank 5"
bind MOUSE1 "+attack"
bind MOUSE2 "weapalt"
bind MOUSE5 "+zoom;+attack;-attack;-zoom"
bind MOUSE4 "+speed"
Strange shite... sry don't know what's with it then :<
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