Random swede

As my last post was a bit unserius ill make a new one.
Mr random lelle needs a team for oc.
Skill about med...when i have a good day a bit higher..and i aim as decem, random vift :)
Class is random, as i have played every class there is, but i guess eng/fop is what i do best. But im a decent med to.
History, just ask me
Can play most days if i know a day before that we are gonna play.
What i want from you is a semi-serius team to play with.
Stable lineup prefered.


#crossfire / #kih lelle{ or pm me here.
haha gl L3lle!
Gl lelle :O)))!
Gl lelle great teamplayer
Good luck ubåtarN :)
random vift in your ass!
lycka till lelle DIRRHS
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