BBC & england games.

watching england play against NL, england probaly the most boring team to watch, i mean defending in a friendly? wp, but onto the most annoying thing on the tv, english commentators commentating a england game, its the most annoying thing to hear, "rooney now, HE IS TEARING INTO THAT DEFENCE" wp he got past the half way line without falling over. im sick and fucking tired it is so annoying.

/end of rant.
Get your own tv station.
i would if i could, but im afraid the kids would not be able to watch :< SORRY SKYDEH
ahh you're Scottish, 'nuff said =)
'oh well'
just press "mute"
mat your a genius, why didnt he think of that :(
fo wanker
Let me commentate!

And I agree that England play the most unattractive football around
tho watching their goalie missing the ball is amusing

you can just watch it over and over.....better than every match england plays
netherlands suck our bondscoach is like a shit
england + holland = suckzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZ

ICELAND 4TW @ EURO 2008 && WC 2010 && EURO 2012 && WC 2014 ##____$$"
germany had a big success @ cyprus - even worse to watch...
im sorry but england just sucks. They couldnt beat a NL team without van persie, makaay, van nistelrooy, and edwin van der sar. Van der Vaart and Robben won the game by themselves
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