The SW Goldrush Issue

image: swgr0

The SW Goldrush Issue

For as long as I can remember North American teams have been getting their version of sw_goldrush_te from TWL which has always been the the "day later updated version" & European teams & leagues have been running the non updated version. The problem with this is that for whatever reason when the map makers released the original version they named it "sw_goldrush_te" & as illustrated below a day later made some minor changes the next day & re-released it under the same name..."sw_goldrush_te"

This has caused issue over the years never knowing when you have the correct version or not. When you join a server & your pk3 doesn't match the one from the server it causes a download loop. I've mentioned this before & some seemed to be clueless as to what I was talking about.

In the illustration's below the top folder shown is the version that Europeans use while the bottom folder is the N.American version of choice. The first noticeable difference is the name of the readme files a shown in the picture below. Both are the exact same file size & yet one is named "sw_goldrush_te" & the other being "sw_goldrush_te2"

image: swgr1

The 2nd noticeable difference is in the maps directory. As you can see from the picture below the script file for the version NA teams & leagues run was updated a day later

image: swgr2

Below are the changes that were made to the map script

Compare File Results:
2 Differences found
0 Changes found
2 Additions found
0 Deletions found

# Diff Line File Content

1 A 826
1 A 826 wm_removeteamvoiceannounce 1 "goldrush_allies_tank_bridge"

2 A 2890
2 A 2890 // *----------------------------------- vo ------------------------------------------*
2 A 2890 wm_removeteamvoiceannounce 0 "goldrush_axis_truckbar_construct"
2 A 2890 wm_removeteamvoiceannounce 0 "goldrush_axis_truckbars_construct"
2 A 2890
2 A 2890 wm_removeteamvoiceannounce 1 "goldrush_allies_truckbar_destroy"
2 A 2890 wm_removeteamvoiceannounce 1 "goldrush_allies_truckbars_destroy"

As you can see there are no significant changes aside from a couple sounds otherwise the maps are identical. It seems the only thing they really achieved with their changes was causing grief & headache.

My proposal ....

Pick one version, rename it something like "sw_goldrush_te2" & make it the standard across all leagues, cups & competitions. This would remove any future problems. No more would there be conflict between 2 versions of the same map with the same name.
we dont have any probs with grush in europe but instead your making one now :D no offence
As long as there has been no problem about it in EU Competition, why care?!
Thats fine ETL will just use the updated version for it's cups & EU league.
ET What now?

And why change it if the changes aren't that major?

Fact is people are playing the map without any problems at all, there's not really any need for change.
Whats wrong with the idea of having one common version that everybody uses?
If everyone that competes in these competitions already has the same version and don't have problems... What's the big deal?
use our version then
Are you actually American? If yes, how come even you make a mistake when writin' "its"?
rofl didn't realize I had to be a grammar expert to be American
It's not about bein' a grammar expert but that's a pretty lame mistake tbh.
onestle i cuud kare les
ignore this nerd :P
Quote MTM` on 13/09/08, 15:33:28

Are you actually American? If yes, how come even you make a mistake when writin' "its"?

writin writing

Oh god.
he wrote writin'
this is just kind of a short form for writing, mind the '
nothing wrong with that tbh.
Congratulations, you're the first one who actually got it!
Why do you write bein' and writin'???
Great display of hypocrisy right there, or ignorance pick whichever one suits you best!
Well, at least I'm not a native speaker... And those so called mistakes I did, aren't really mistakes, unlike typing it's instead of its.
its ok really, its no big deal & its not something I'm concerned with,its just you showing your ass
You're completely wrong, the way you typed is informal speech (aka slang) and is incorrect grammar just as much as its is... Now i couldn't care less if people type its or it's but if people start bitching about it while making the same mistakes i get slightly annoyed :XD
I would've said nothing if it was a word which I consider as a slang word. I know I'm not the right man to talk about which is a slang word or not, but this is only common sense.

Why would somebody write a word incorrectly when its meaning changes completely?
just a typo ffs

I left myself so completely 'flame open' in that post & you choose to nit pick a missing apostrophe

funny shit
The truth is that it's a pretty common mistake. If you were supposed to write its, then there is no problem but if you wrote "it's" on purpose... then it's some funny shit.
I'm comfortable with making mistakes on some random internet post I'm not being paid or graded for ;)

serious business you know
who cares about America.nobody cares if they play et or on what maps
you can have both versions in your etmain folder at the same time if the download is set up correctly on the server you will end up with a second .pk3 with another line of numbers/letters which is the checksum score of that version and the one which matches the server version will be used..
95% of all players dont know that
Rename US version to sw_goldrush_te.35346c4f.pk3 in your etmain folder and you are good to go. I have both, and never had problems playing on us/eu servers.
not strictly true mate...I remember the same problem with tc_base i put on my server coupla years back..was the same named file but entirely different version...people who had tc_bace couldnt join and the dl would go into loop....
it ought to happen automagically always seems to work for me ? :[

alot of people just refuse to download new pk3's :D

just because your average etplayer tells you something about the game, doesn't mean it's true, a LOT don't really have a clue and just spout bullshit they've read elsewhere when it suits them : <
true true, makes me wonder why people mess about with maps and they go into circulation...
I didnt understand half of it.
Ok but hey what? :O
no problem in europe lol
You know that's fine, I figured the typical response would be "it's not a problem for us" & I understand that point of view.

ETL has plans for more international cups with prizes after the Don Baker cup. Just thought it would save us all the trouble to have a one standard unified version.
nice Thread really.... but I never heared of this problem... but now I know .... thx
Are you saying we should change this shit just because of few sound notifications in the map? Jesus christ no deal.
ROFL no need to get your panties in a bunch

It's fine really we'll just continue on the way things are. Just seems extremely stupid to me not to apply an easy fix to an obvious issue & be done with it
Ignoring all the retards on xfire, i have to say you have a point. I remember having problems playing grush vs yankees. The european scene wont use sw_goldrush_te2, as they dont have any problems atm. If the american leagues switches to sw_goldrush_te2, european leagues still have to download the same map, with a different name :)

I cant really see an easy way out ...
Actually that's what me & eZe were just discussing.ETL will making & using sw_goldrush_te2 for use in all of our comp's. This way neither community is affected. At best it's just another download.

Honestly I do understand the "If it ain't broke don't fix it" point of view which really goes for both sides. Neither version causes issue for either community when played within itself.

Making our own version for international play will solve the issue from our stand point.
And all this just because few americans can't bear having few voice in the map. Really nice I have to say.
You didn't read anything zombie wrote, did you?
Nobody cares about the actual difference in the 2 verions (at least I don't think anybody does).
The only problem is that they both have the same name, and two communities are just used to using two different versions.
You obviously didn't understand me. What I meant was that we should blame the American for using that version without sound, not European for "not using updated version" since the "updated" version doesn't have anything that could be considered even as a minor update.

No need to be offensive right away, you're supposed to be admin ffs.
I wasn't offensive :>
"You didn't read anything zombie wrote, did you?" <- that's a question, you could just have answered "yes i did" ;)

The reason why the Americans use the updated version is because the "update" was released a few hours after the other one. And back then they couldn't have known that all the Euros already downloaded the other version in those few hours before the update. And the guy who made it probably didn't think that either, that's why he didn't give it an extra name but just updated the older one.
Just stop using the 2nd version. EU community is way much bigger, so you should just use the same .pk3 as us.

It's nice that someone bothers to explain the issue as simply as in this forum entry.. Let's hope that the americans start to use the real version of the map :>
u still use phreakz server as an ELT server ? :o
what about the sw_goldrush_te.35346c4f.pk3 version that fixed all the issues with the eu/us version of sw_goldrush_te?

i suggest to download this into your etmain of the ettv servers: and forget about the rest.
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