AzZ@ cless

English speaking
good comms
looking for med- team
class: medic and basic smg eng
pm me
or xfire : ahenderson

gl United Kingdom AdzZ
np: NzZ mixtape vol.1 :D

xzz , nzz , sqzz
what the zz ?
-.- : :P azZ nzz xzz sqzz dzz lolled
Gl azz good player coms try him out allrdy ! new school talent ! :P
if u have played with Doe, u havent even see med- skilled players
hahah just cos i played with low team doesnt make me blind and incapable of playing higher skilled player xD
GL doooood
Ok player would improve alot in a better clan needs some, one to show him ropes and a team that does some team work and he be fine
thanks mate :D
Np man you played with us in a few skilled and med+ scrims he did ok had a ok head on him with some help he do well
Don't worrie hes seen med tallen he dint do 2 bad at playing in it but would do better once in a team that is some good
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