NaTazJa Cless v1.

Hi I'm cless for a ET team.
Exclans: 8bits, 8bitsETQW, disqonnect and backup for nSens.
From: EU/Denmark.
Language: Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, English, a little german + spanish.
Skill: med+.
Avi: All days from 19:10. Weekends The whole day.
Class: Medic, Field & SMGEngi.

Avi for LAN's too.

Shoutout for bamZe & frizer <3

/q meh in #nSens or
Dont know you, proberly some lowb.
Member For: 22 days
GL with your med+
my other profile got hacked.
your account got hacked? wat??
he wanted to say he got banned :D


Bans update 18:

CB account:



hi2u2 fede.

(10:42:54) (( /whois start ))
(10:42:54) —› NaTazJa`Cless is " #GameLaunch" (
(10:42:54) —› NaTazJa`Cless opped in #nsens
(10:42:54) —› NaTazJa`Cless voiced in #crossfire #nkNn #zero.e
(10:42:54) —› NaTazJa`Cless reg in #clanbase #et.merc #onevolution-gaming
(10:42:54) —› NaTazJa`Cless using * (QuakeNet IRC Server)
(10:42:54) —› NaTazJa`Cless has been idle for 7mins 56secs
(10:42:54) —› NaTazJa`Cless signed on 3wks 1day 22hrs 15mins 32secs ago
(10:42:54) (( /whois end ))

(10:46:03) —› Looking up (NaTazJa`Cless)'s country...
(10:46:03) —› Country lookup for ( finished successfully: (Denmark)
yup bibu. i have owned you so many times np.
fede np. i know you are nC costumer. "NP"

someone ban this guy pls cWg fede.
why do you always ruin the fun for the other people :(
that's what we love you for ^^
my first bust :D:D check the edit up :P
you go girl!
do we?...who the hell is he?? :p
i do :( you hardly love..even like anyone! :D
so much so, that i share my rs account with any old randoms...
shit, i walked straight into that one :S
he isn't hes just friends with spektr
requesting ban
you have been ignoring me! :(
Oh please, I'd never ignore you. Was just waiting for an unexpected attack but now you ruined it so we'll have to go or separate ways till: we meet again
you rock bibu, but try to bust me with my own IP instead of a random danish IP.
and now make us believe, that you're not fede.
i dont try to tell you i'm not fede, coz i am. and i'm clean (H)
wait, what? i dont try to tell you i'm not fede, coz i am., you lost me there
i just try to tell that i almost lost the love for the game when some retards can be admin and ban one with wrong ip :s i could buy cheat and fakenick bamze so he will get banned coz i have danish IP.
like you cant change your IP :D face the truth. you got busted :D
hi natasha,how much for blowjob?
haha cheater cb banned + etbot list

image: 2zgdqb9
can't believe you lose even when you are blatantly cheating with an average of 60hs accuracy teach me how you manage to be so low.
haha killerboy i could easy tech you, that "anatazja is not me i'm named "NaTazJa" look my yawn abd what servers i have been on. + i never played against you :s
ofc you didn't play against me i never play with my nick.
and that is you, i think eIM was with me too.

why don't you play with Denmark bLAZER ? hes an nC customer just like you
sigh ban this retard plix
he is banned from CB, i don't have powers to ban him from Crossfire :<
what are you talking about? bLAZER has nothing to do with this! You seriously need to get your facts right.
again seems like you don't know a shit.

bLAZER is spektr's brother. bLAZER played this game from the start. He was one of the best danish players but later on kinda lost his motivation. bLAZER later on got his motivation back and went to SHGopen with Kapow! His brother spektr also went to SHGopen but with After a year or so some guys kinda found out that spektr cheated. Most of them started to hate him like suA, pelle and so on.

Spektr went back to live with his parents and used his brothers computer where he prolly logged on nC and downloaded some hacks. This is why bLAZER is on that list. Actully a lot of the danish guys, including me don't belive he cheats. To shorten it up bLAZER prolly got mad and stopped playing ET.
that is the worse brother case i have ever heard. Denmark bLAZ3R was busted by an avi. Don't tell me his brother played.
Do you really think an avi is worth busting for? Everyone from the god damn danish scene knows who they are! Even ask CF admin Arachon or oBs.
Quote by Arachon on 31/01/08, 20:01:50 PM | ReplyPost the demos of maus shootings walls like you did.
Why are you posting that?
I said that Arachon knows that they are brothers not that Arachon thinks that blazr cheats! Dude do you even read what im writing?
From that comment it clearly shows that Arachon doesn't believe his brother cheated, but both of them cheated, since he told bLAZER that that demo was obvious.
ok plz get brain i have never played under that nick, you dont have a reason to believe that's me only the nick there "look" like its me, but i have not played for a while and i never use that nick so i could name myself bamZe and buy cheat so he will get busted coz i have danish ip but he will get banned coz i use bamZe's nick? that does'nt make sens! i hope u have guid or something coz I have never been on that server under that nick.
and tell me why you are banned from CB and you are on etbot list? Someone faked you :D????
np my "nick" is on the etbot but at the start it was with german flag and its not my IP. someone has faked me from denmark. if u see there is one dane everyday there got banned with randoms nicks.
image: 23kxkqx

its a danish flag.

uh oh, how do you know its not your ip, you hacked into my pc?
ye sure coz i'm the big hacker :s. bulld0g told me it wasnt.
I'm sure when bulld0g reads your lies, you are gonna get banned.
yeah banned, didnt see this :D
natachatte O_o
nice no shoutout!
ur playing with danL and ur a cheaterlover WTF! :(
im not playing with fede! stopped that when he got busted :(

whats wrong with danL? :D
ofc adizz shoutout for you <3 ;*
Ban me again? look i think i deserved the ban of another!
my ex-girlfriend her name was natasja :(
fede was a better name imo

gl though
haha,retard joe in action :D
hopefully you wont find anything,stupid cheater.
too bad that you are cheating fede
retarded guy
u failed before you even started :<
b1bu made him fail :D
flot fede: ]
haha xD

edit: no shoutout for me your hater :s
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