pninja/carlito looking for OC Premier

old post:
now a somewhat more serious post:

i need an oc premier team:
- im german
- im skilled
- 4years experience
- medic

last clan


+ random 6on6 + 3on3 clans..
played several times OC Premier, Second (6on6) and OC Premier (3on3).

greetz to SUPERCOOLWILLOW & France France

pm CARLITO__ // pnindza @ #teente or or simply pmme here
what happened to the Netherlands carlos from shrapnelz?

must be 3 years ago already, maybe u know =]

didnt see him for quite some weeks now (last time i saw him in IRC was the 10th august), better ask smurftang
but did he play for you the last year? i couldn't catch him under the nick carlos =(
Yes, he played a lil bit, but mainly for mixes. Last time i saw him playing actively was a while ago, when i was in istar with him :)
I kicked him from iStarz!
carlos dosnt use IRC much anymore, you'll find him in #team_facial if you ever wanna get in contact. his irc name is usually something like ``````````````````````````carlos

He's a fag
football soldiers' carlos?
gl tah pninja
gl bodybuilder
Gl! Take him, actually skilled player (not "Skilled") and good guy.
i cant remember he ever played one match with me
Wenn du nicht willst, dass ich dich da hinschreibe aus irgendwelchen Gründen dann sags halt und laber nicht son Scheiß :/


If you don't want to be listed - fine, I deleted united colors - but don't talk bs like that.
learn2count my friend 8(
youre wrong my young padawan

March 30
20:16 Added member(s) carlito`

i heard somone at #cs3r dropped out, take your chance man!
Sent by CARLITO_ on Thursday 18th September 2008, 01:02
gtfo my thread

why the hate lol? :D
people envy you, that's why :(
ge zijt zelf nen hurensohn

skilled player, hook him up!
U still paly that shit ? :D
ye but
gonna quit i think
Shit son Carlos > Carlito
=] normally own you on Bio constantly =] Yet to be killed by you =]... Public don't mean shit though!!! Good luck!!!
Ehm what? I didn't play BiO for quite some months now just he last 2days; always fakenicking and didnt get owned at all.

you fail?
What's your name on bio
nize ego :XD
Well I didnt get owned on BiO recently. wheres the problem fag
You are the problem fucking retarded cancer child
You are the problem fucking retarded cancer child
Every comment that you post is such an ego comment that i just cant belive.

You sir got the biggest fucking ego around here. And it bothers me. Sorry but too much is too much.
;), you my sir was the ego whore last night, I got told it was you who crashed my server... Shame on you sir.

Sorry I beat you.
i am afraid to tell you it wasnt me who chrashed it. it was my teammate but ofcours blame the one who finded the war.

np egokid

p.s see the comment above you . no wai! did he realy confirm what i said?
But yet your still an ego whore... You crashed the server because you didn't wonna get beat within what??? Minute or 2??

Nice play GG...

Now who looks stupid?

Sure not me ;).

Notice you both come as a team??? Must be something there, good luck wit teh anal sexorz
Quotei am afraid to tell you it wasnt me who chrashed it. it was my teammate but ofcours blame the one who finded the war.

again. listent what i say boy
lol i didnt crahs it when and how late? when it was vss ls i was going to sleep so dont cry :(
Nice ego :$
CARLITO !!!!! <3
gl m8
gtfo fucking cheater
when you played under the name of zelda you sucked balls and you were not even low and now you are giving randomheadshots all the time
cancerfag hope youll die shithead
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