a question!

is it possible to install windows xp an linux on one partition without any troubles or may i have any problems after doing it in that way?
lowl mowl. why to do thit?
lowl mowl. why to do thit?
thit = this + that.
I knew thit all along :D
Was that you on cyber where we played pistols only a few days ago?
its not possible, specially because linux uses diferent parititions formats (+ swap paritition) etc.

But you can run linux at virtual machine (vmware ... virtualbox)
c'mon that's exactly what i was trying to tell him ... :DD
lol why u want to install it on partintion if u can on two ? oO
once i installed windows home on one partition and windows prof on the other..

but slowed my pc fckn down so i formated again :>
i have win xp prof and ubuntu on two partition and i don't got slow computer :)
Wubi installer.
new way to use hax? xd
im not sure about install about the same partition but anyway ull fuck ur computer up by doing that... my english isnt good enough to explain why xD
You gotta install them on different partitions.
can be same hard drive different partitions.
thanks for advice teammate! :D
didnt know that existed nice :)
it is possible, download the newest version of ubuntu. You will have there a option to install linux on windows. It will be on the same partition, but it will make a virtual harddrive. So u cant get in to ur windows files.
You don't want to do it. Linux and Windows use different filesystems of which Linux's is far more efficient than that of Windows.
shame the IFS Drives fucked up my 500gb ext3 partition after extensive mounting under windows :(

use PowerQuest PartitionMagic 8.0 and make two different disks and use one as windows and other as linux but its on your own risk, last time i lost all my stuff almost
no need swap @ normal version
Dualboot is nice,Winxp and Ubuntu
you better don't do that :)
u can install windows xp and linux on the same partition but ur comp will be extremely slow
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