need 2 for OC premier

tornis quitting ET and archy prolly also after we lost the qualifier versus teamperfo, thats why we are searching for 2 new guys. You should have premier exp and your skill needs to be decent. Need 1 allrounder and 1 rifleboy. We play on sun-thu so be active!

For further questions about the line up, offers or whateva pmme at #regulators.
(Also for the guys who pmmed me when i made the last thread, pmme again:D)
fail imo its 2week clan :S it will be inactive in groupstage but if im wrong correct me
why do you think im searching for some active ppls?
Gl frenky =)
gl :) hope u stay for longer
tornis ;D
gl Frenky :)
ive had
the time of my life
ive never felt this way before
meez u do talk alot of shit lol
i swear it's the truth
and I owe it all to lioco
to lioco, or lioFAN ;p
me <---
me <-- dutch and jamaican
I can come
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