Radar with rain

Is there any way to fix the ET crash in radar map with movie config.

Ive tried my own config and also some others with no succes.

Can't be nvidea drivers because ive tried with full AA and stuff and also tried without.

So there should a cvar which causes it.

Running radar without rain is no problem. ( but no option imo )

Vista doesn't cause the problem because Et crashes on both my computers.

Specs vista:

5000+ x2 amd dual core
4 gig ram ddr2 800mhz
nvidea 8600GT

specs xp:
p4 2.8 @3200mhz
2 gig ram 400mhz
ati x1600 pro
its the cfg whats gives the problem. Try another, or ask agon for help, he had some program wich solved this problem.
already tried ag0ns new config which helps for his crash ... but no succes here .. even on a clean ET installation.

i know its a cvar in the cfg ... already tried 3 or 4 movie configs to test it so I can compare it to my own config and to find the cvar which is causing this prob
ask ag0n
I did and he said to try his new config .. but i still have the problem ( on a clean installation )
I think it's cg_drawfoliage which causes the crash.
nop, just tried :(
z_far or something? can't remember but i'm sure ag0n had a fix for it.
r_zfar but it works fine for me no matter what value i use
Use ag0n's script or do it without rain.
i just said Ag0ns cfg or tricks arn't working for me
Did you try my new cfg? (this one: http://www.crossfire.nu/?x=tutorial&mode=item&id=86 ).

Anyway try to play a demo using cg_atmosphericeffects 0 and make a bind to turn it on when you start recording (bind X "cg_atmosphericeffects 1 ; timescale 1; cl_avidemo Y).
Sometimes i get some random crash's also (if i fly using freecam during too much time or at certain places...).
Make sure your cfg doesnt have r_novis cvar inside.
Make also sure that you are opening your et with etpro directly.
Try cvar_restart (or reset..dunno) and then exec autoexec, then exec radar, cg_atmosphericeffects 0, dont fly throw the map.. only record. Must work.

Anyway like u said, it isnt drivers (eventhough try to use the latest ones), its a cvar.
I had the problem with my Gefore Fx5200 / Ati x1900xt 512mb and with my Geforce 9600gt 512mb :/. After delete r_novis from my cfg it started working (tested EVERY single cvar )
yeah i tried. its working great without cg_atmosphericeffects . but 2 seconds after i put it on 1 , my et crashes in radar. Even when not flying around. ;)

think it will be without rain then
try to update your drivers and close all the 3rd party programs before start recording.
Before try again , delete your PROFILES folder from etpro /etmain.
didn't work aswell ... all figure out something once i start redering @ radar.
God doesnt like you
for me it worked 2 times after format and clean wolf install and then it started again
image: Umbrella

take it
Why there is no rain he just said you dork
hi twinz :D
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