DO IT FOR KRUGER!!!! is looking for a skilled medic/eng smg and a rifle(u can be an awesome smg player and a decent rifle or just uberskilled medic then some1 from us can rifle)

What we can offer

> Incoming server
> Vent obviously
> Activity
> Retardedness
> UBERNicE guys :)
> Estonia couchor
Finland Kaide
Finland BLOBO
Germany Aquila
Anonymous TBA
Anonymous TBA

Backup :
Switzerland Juif (Inactive due to serious RL problems :(((((( )

What we need from u

> 100% CC5 avi[/i]
> Active (from Sunday - Thursday preferably)
> A bit retarded
> Skilled ofc
> Skilled comms needed badly!
> Don't be a serious business fin!!!!!

Tryouts today , tomorrow and so on

Contact couchor or leave a message on my bnc couchOFF for more infos on or pm me here if needed
gl aquila :)
gl everyone apart from that fucking inbred
no fucking juif the fucking inbred rat

gl couchor
so t-boy/juif won't play at cc5? unexpected :-(
indeed ;D;D;D;D;;D
not sure tbh , if he gets his rl issues worked out he will come back I guess , at least I rly hope so
Its not sure yet, he should but haven't seen him online for a week or so
Sponsor meh and me iz palypaly !
ofc i sponsor u ... with 1g weed + others stuffs xDDD tardje <3
gl cockchor! :)
gl skilled and friendly guys! =D
gl blobo and couch
good luck couchor but 100% cc5 and aquila in lineup?!? ^^
who is kruger ffs !?
GL guy'Z
haxxxx haxxx haxxxxx haxxxxx
GL BLOBO!!!!!!
GL kaide & co ,
... not . i dont have time even for my own clan
do it for kruger
gl nice and skilled guys :)
Aquila take me :D ^^
gl aquila
oh loelz xD
komm schon sack :D
I am a skilled rifle !
Hmmmm? Good luck :-)
that leaves around about half us out then!
hey good luck guys :P score smg engr :)
nope xd
come here ;p
:DDDDDDDDDDDDDDD? wtf is this shitxd
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