GPU for Low Budget Gamer

For low budget Gamers ...
If you need a new GPU, u may considder to buy this one .... its almost kill Nvidia 280.
Cost only 139 eur in Holland
Tbh I was over with ATI, but with this baby ... ho ho ho I will ask santa to get one for me.
Anyone plug this baby already?

tbh, there is a better soloution, just buy 2 9600 GT for about 75€-85€ each and run those in SLI, THAT beats the 260^^
just useful with a highend processor 8D
well, "high-end" processors are already available @ ~80€ (oc tri-core)
have phun with micro lags @ sli/cf
no microlags there, we've already been installing two of those in one comp.... everything runs smooth, no lagissues whats so ever
aye + mobo with SLi support.. sli sux
if you say so, its not as expansive to take two "older" cards than to buy a new one, is able to compete with the high-end cards, has no lags/comp. issues what so ever, everything is just fine, I don't get why it should meant to be sucking (you know, if you have a physX (integrated/extra slot, doesn't matter which of both) you improve your sli slightly.
€: and honestly, it doesn't cost a furtune to afford a mobo with sli-support:p
ofc it doesn't cost a fortune but how much quality will u receive with 60€ budget mobo. Am not saying that 2x 9600 wouldn't produce enough power to compete with HD4850 but still SLi or even Crossfire if you want, aren't as good as they said and everything just because lazy driver coders.
ofc, if it comes to mobo I still stick to MSI, just feel more comfortable with them.
those may be more expansive, but still....
sure for quite some people sli isn't satisfying at all, but the ones I've set up have all been working properly, (lucky me? dunno)
€: and if you want to compete with the newer ati cards there really isn't a cheap alternative @ nvidia exept for sli, is it?
ASUS is quite good for me (have second one). Ofc everything is working properly but usually there is some loss (20-25%) in a second graphic card - at least what i saw from reviews (in Slovene language :/). And yes ATi always was (still is) a budget company, now even more in cooperation with AMD
I don't like SLI either ..... single card is better. but X2 seems works.
u will do it fine with X2 + HD4850
I ment X2 for GPU, I dont have X2 CPU.
still using AMD64 bit 2.4 Ghz with XFX 7600GT XXX.
Is it worth it for me to buy HD4850?
you're right about the lost, but only if there is no physX installed, if there isn't the 2nd card only offers additional 40% power of its own, if there is a physX it is meant to be 80-100%
all those cards dont work on my pc :D
geforce 2 ftw
no offence but it's fucking old news ( for example I have this card ) so stop being attention whore :xd
+ it's like geforce gtx 260 no 280
Attention whore ? .. well I've got yours ..
I didnt know this is an old news ....
and by the way, I´m just trying to share the info ...
what he said was not nice
i support you !
geeks have spoken about these gfx cards months before they came so you are a lil late.
have this one, you don't need anything better
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