
Whats happened to it? Has it closed?
killerboy caused teh overload of yawn and ye its down atm :<
But why is Yawn down? (No money?)
noobs use yawn
we are going to da culb
i use yawn. and who you calling a noob? get back down that culb and kick some ass booyyyyyyy.
they ran out of money, but TosspoT/Crossfire has offered to host YAWn!

i will cheer once it get online...
hooray hooray hooray
somebody make a newspost or this journal will keep on turning up. I see a lot of people who are happy crossfire will take over yawn. In case you hadn't noticed: it will end up like the same shit as xfire is right now: a closed project where few can contribute, a site where hardly anything changes. Yeah we got new features as of late. like clouds. and hitcounters. and football filters.
i don't get it, yawn hasn't changed as far as i've known it and i don't see anybody "contributing" towards it as it is anyway? and the only other alternative is that yawn goes down forever?
but at leats its not gone then... what has been changed on yawn the time it exists now and therefore what do u expect after the cF-taleover?
Id like a yawn for cod4!
its so bad and yet you keep coming back. That makes you...a retard! Congrats

You're such a petty little prick you'd rather sit here and flame than be happy that someone has offered to host. I've offered to host it, there is no takeover as you so melodramatically put it to fuel your retarded arguments. Your arguments that are grounded by your inability to ever put forward an argument of alternative solutions to the problems you appear to suffer from when using this site.

you have my respect for doing so much good things for ET or the eSports in all bad to see those retards who are still flaming and given those retarded comments
ET would be dead a long time ago without a tosspot. i think you have done a lot for ET. people should be thankful instead of giving retarded comments
nice job in taking over the hosting part cheers.
its not done, its just an offer
yeah well im sure they will accept the kind offer :D
O dear,

Tosspot + critism. Gotta love it.

Ill try explaining it again. This time with shorter sentences! And even more spacing!

xfire = same site as it was 2 years ago
tosspot = dude who has a lot of projects which people work on but doesnt hesitate to use them for personal benefits (for you shoutcasting carreer)

Ofc yawn hasnt been changed for years, but it could support more games etc. I dont see what me browsing xfire has to do with you using sites like xfire for your own shoutcasting carreer. Afaik most of the trafic gets generated by the journals and plz dont claim that as a victory as most admins would love nothing else but to nuke all of them.

Another great tosspot reply... Well i kinda gotten used to your critism (mm, think i could call it flame aka using emotional, personal arguements and bs to defend oneself ) Maybe its time to defend ETQW again, eventhough you knew it was shit, but hey: fuck the community, its your shoutcaster carreer which is the most important so lets support a totally crap game and mute the critism cause we want teams to actually play this piece of shit at your lan. And while you are at it: how about allowing ppl working on your lans to be able to look into the bookkeeping and paying out ET players like the CoD players without the tax excuses and bullcrap.

ps: take over is a dutchism, its not implying you steal anything. You just offered to host yawn, which in my oppinion is not a good thing.
pps: Afaik all ET competition players surf this site, as theres no real alternative. Doesnt have to mean the site is improving / decent / etc.

QuoteYour arguments that are grounded by your inability to ever put forward an argument of alternative solutions to the problems you appear to suffer from when using this site.

Any alternatives brought up by xfire users has always been dismissed. Theres numerous examples and the reply always was 'its never gonna happen'.

Nice evading the flame btw, totally circumventing the actual discussion and trying to go personal.
in jose mourinho's words, you are a voyeur. You look on with such a desire to have influence but the harsh reality as your reply has just proven your opinion and your knowledge are shit, you simply don't know what you are talking about and people grow tired of your crap. The moment you can come up with a real argument rather than some random bullshit about shoutcasting and etqw people might take you seriously, until then you will remain personally as you as a player, a joke.
Quoteyou simply don't know what you are talking about and people grow tired of your crap

yes, i totally dont know anything. Nobody talks to me, thats how i randomly guessed cc5 dates, ec maplist and ec invites. I love how you skip around all the critism and start 'flaming'.

Quoteuntil then you will remain personally as you as a player, a joke.

im not even going to reply to this one ...

ps: I dont make up stuff, you got enough co-workers x'D
pps: You are basically admitting already, as you dont go into any of the things i said.
I really didn't think you were quite so deluded, if you really believe some of what you spout then just message me and I'll clear up things on which you're so far away from the mark on, because right now you're living in another reality.
tell that to the ppl who helped at cdc
good thing its gone, at least none will use the ''no red yawn'' excuse anymore + idiots will stop whining about etpro guids
use fast.... want to check my own yawn ;)
game was closed
i hope TosspoT do this fast !
This is the last news by admin of yawn.be:

QuoteThe future?
by tziek on 2008-09-17 16:23:16.0 (45 reads)

A small note to all regular YAWn! users: soon the YAWn! services will be down for a while. Not sure when we will be back (if ever).

- Almost 4 years of YAWn.NET ...
- ... but already YAWning since 2002/2003.

Thanks everyone for the support .
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