U little so and so tbh!

Ok so after teabag and syko were trying 2 make up a team again and sponser people to help GROW this tiny ET community some wanker named killerboy realises that the ET community have accepted these 2 players and quotes like "good guys" about these 2 players gets him angry and pissed, so he gets personal and after 7 months of there PBBANS he decides to make sure that they get there clanbase ban to.

Now i say say this 2 u killerboy, Y? y did u have to send there info to cb again after 7 months without being caught with a hack and helping the ET community. u just show up again with PBBANS and when people remark "gl, awesome guys" "gl, nice guys, good sponser and always helpful :) " you realise that they have beat you so u decide to make it personal and send there 7 MONTH OLD PBBANS to clanbase.

And syko's is cus of some movie cfg but i wont go into that as dnt no much bout it and teabags was some hack that was in his folders. If u show me proof he used the hack in any form andy screenshots or demos then ill take all this back!

so yh mr killerboy people deserver second chances and in a small community like this its bout time u seen that to and didnt make stuff always personal.

mine was 11 months & 29 old so plz su - it`s just a game.
yes ghana but u was caught cheating was u not?
i was uh? "i just got kicked for it" ^_^
He played on a LAN with hacks, and forgot to delete the file outta his ET folder. :>
i is not wanker =/
hi fernando
lifetime ban would have been better, i have to agree with you
-2 hackers +2 points to the "little community"
stop protecting cheaters let them talk with killerboy im sure they will get thier answer even if he did wrong
fair comment
die of aids cheater!
Oh shes got her nails out.
That's what she said.

Oh wait...
hello scofield here
mr killerboy strikes again
QuoteClanBase takes action against the following abusive behaviour:
Harassment (repeated insulting/bothering).
Offending a ClanBase admin in course of his/her official duties.

Rofl at
Quotegets him angry and pissed, so he gets personal
dont be too bitchy pls ;/
just pointing out the rules, also thanks for reminding me, i have to add this, just in case he doesn't know either

QuoteIf a Clan uses a banned player (also applies to ClanBase Hosted Cups):
Match the offence occured in will be forfeited.
The one allowing the player to enter the clan (f.e. by inviting the player or by setting a key so players can invite themselves) will be banned for 6 months.
your mother is a whore
so anyone who insults you will get a cb ban? sick
indeed, that rule has been there for years, and yet i never banned anyone for it. sick isn't it.
"in course of his/her official duties." and i guess that only applies to excessive flame
I have seen ppl getting banned (COD2/4) for saying "stfu retard, die"

thats why i don't ban ppl for flame.

I just want to show him that by flaming me he is not going anywhere and its not going to help him.
so u want to be like the admins in cod2/4? bad example
where do i say that? I'm just guiding him.
no i mean cod2/4 admins and other admins are their own trouble, you need to watch your self and not others... an admin banning for "stfu retard" and someone else calls u that and you aint responding, wont make you a hero if you point it out(show off)
ban anyone who says "hi" and say in my country it means "dickhead" :-D
well, if there is a pbban, it clearly showed that they cheated
the same happend to me, i got banned ~1-2 hours after my pbba, i whined but eventually accepted it

but hey torres, maybe ull have more tim to play with me u bitch :P
lol pala you hackerrrrr! (hoi!)
xD wasup nub!
Quotepeople deserver second chances

cf poll may start with next question: do cheater really deserve second chance?
My answer is: NOT, after they got warnings to not use hax and knowledge about their consequences.
yea they should be executed!
zegt ie ook is iets hoor
syko aint hacking tbh
cheaters lover
go torres! :D
look killerboy if u turned into them COD admins then u wud be the biggest dickhead alive and wud kill these game off np

all am saying is after 7 months after being PBBANED u get them there cb ban beacause of them posting 4 sponsers i just dont see the need unless "its personal"
Unless you live in my head, you cannot judge/tell me what i was thinking or the reason i banned him. Its simple, both of them have pbbans, and anyone who has a pbban has to get banned.

I talked to Syko yesterday, he knows what he has to do, and its definately not what you are doing now.
I love these guys
mr torres is making a good point here
why does it matter whether you cheated yesterday or 7 months ago? the fact is that you did use illegal programs at one time or another. it's just for our amusement to wait until they receive their ban and then come up with the most ridiculous excuses (e.g it was my cat)

once a cheater, always a cheater
yes but just cus u have a hack doesnt mean u used it
so why have it? ill tell you why. cos you intend to use it. or you have used it. theres only two reasons. simple really. unless you want to just "test" a hack to see what it does? in which case, that makes you a cheat, sorry. theres no excuse. you can say "erm, it was in a folder i got in a cfg" , bullshit, that makes you a retard for downloading shit that cant be trusted, hence you deserve a ban. "it was in a movie cfg" , more bullshit, what movie cfg could need a hack to work? please. stop defending hackers, even if they're nice guys, they still fucking cheat :/
ag0n is working with nexus in many videos he makes.
why? id really love to know what possible use that nexus has when making a movie about et.
with nexus you can change the view of the models quite easily so he can make them better looking, furthermore its quite good when you try to bust someone for wallhack, because in r_shownormals 1 it looks sometimes not as dodgy as it does with a real wallhack.
ok, so, let me get this right. while trying to bust someone for cheating, you have to become a cheat youreself? thanks for the information :)
cheaters should not be allowed to play in CB atleast 2 years since they got busted :D
nothing wrong here. as if 7 months would be so old old or anything. they deserve the ban.
btw punctuation might help, i sometimes had to read your sentences twice to get your point ;o


the one says the bust isn't "fair" ...ye I think so to... cheaters shouldn't get busted then NC would make more money...

the player "teabag" (nice nick): says he didn't loaded a cheat it was simply there dunno where he got it....... nice... check your antivier... i think it has downloaded the hack for you....

so just 1 of 3 people know what he had done? .... nice syko but your busted also...no matter
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