Kaide v535

Well, I'm looking for a new team. I can play medic/fop, from 20.00 CET to 24.00 CET

What I want : OC premier minium, I'm also avi for cc5 if your team is going to go there
qry at irc: Kaide` or leave a message to Kaide`BNC
nice looking for an OC team know
gl anyway
give good home to this man!!!! :-))
what happened to kruger?
Well, I was pretty annoyed by the lineup changes every week or so
whats their line-up then nowadays?
Honestly, I don't know
really nice guy :) gl
<3 goood luck m8
but even if u wont find a team for cc5 u just have tocome to cc5
i m gonna pay u 5 beers !!
He will be coming to cc5 and the team will be ready :P
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