nkNn - R....

Since we probally found our medic we only need a rifle now.
What we need:
-*#$- A Rifle duh..
-*#$- Skilled would be cool
-*#$- No whiner because we already got crook and myself.
-*#$- You should have been a rifle in you latest ex-clans.

What we can offer:
-*#$- OC premier
-*#$- Stable
-*#$- Gameserver things like that duhhhhhhh
-*#$- A lot of fun
-*#$- Skilled team X:D
-*#$- Free fanboy

Give me a pm or chizz6l or Witje on irc (#nkNn) or pm me on crossfire.

Greets me and Have a niCe day

EDIT if you wanne know Line up atm:
Netherlands illumise
Belgium chizz6l
Belgium crook
Belgium Witje
Netherlands TOP SECRET
Europe Rifle boy
gl guys <3 skill0rs
gl owners
gl skilled
I heard the top secret guy is azatej
I do not want to believe :'<
gl guys :)
tell us who is TOP SECRET and im in!
TOP SECRET is Netherlands martjin :XDDD ahahahahahaaaaaa
gl illumise & shiz6l
gl illumise!
omg omg omg omg

it's illumise

omg omg omg omg
I would like to come , if you are going to answer my pm !

gl tou
Only thing that was one fail in the team was you. Ciao
Who is the "TOP SECRET" Guy ?
gl crook & lavod
lavod is in fifg afaik
aye, just saw they picked him and ins
hope ins will go to the LAN now :(
gl chizz6l <3 :P
gl nknn !! <3 !!!
take fishbot! he's annoying us in madness IRC channel! :D
sssh, they will notice
gl poepjes!

hebbek het trouwens al verteld dat ik bijna een varken omvergerede heb met me fietsje? :D
maar met je supergame reflexen heb je hem toch kunnen ontwijken?
nee ik lag volledig strijk vant lachen toen dak da beest zag:p ma emmet wel nog kunnen ontwijke :p wa doe zo een beest in een stad :D
in de stad?:D hahaha wsl ontsnapt bij de lokale slager:p
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