Nvidia Geforce 9600GT

Hi, crossfire!!!

I had a format a month ago, since then i lost my fps :DDD
I did some tests with nvidia display drivers.
All tests were done on Goldrush and xfire msn etc whas off.

21490 frames, 191.6 seconds: 112.2 fps.

21490 frames, 129.4 seconds: 166.0 fps.

21490 frames, 131.0 seconds: 164.0 fps.

21490 frames, 129.6 seconds: 165.8 fps.

21490 frames, 130.0 seconds: 165.3 fps.

20924 frames, 128.8 seconds: 162.4 fps.

21490 frames, 127,1 seconds: 169.1 fps.

Seems like how higher we get in forceware how lower the fps will be :< And i still remember that i got good/stable fps with the original drivers from the DVD, but i lost it!

So if some one knows a better or the original forceware. Please post it !!

ps: I got an AMD DUALCORE 5200+ So my processor is not to old for this game :DDD


image: lolpowerrangersxi2



fuck nvidea

...Just bought myself a HD4850

image: 345873


I prefer also to have an ati :D
Cuz im getting pissed off with al those display drivers for nvidia on www.guru3d.com you can allmost download 600 nvidia drivers...
better stick to ati if you like how ET feels and you're still able to track decent :P
nice price

I'm gonna buy a 3650 for 47E
Is your choice also a bit dependant on your cpu performance or is it more a money decision?
cheap card nd can run Et at 125fps i guess
if thats all you want, 125 fps stable I'd suggest you dumb your current card and buy yourself a MX400(had that in my first pc, with 125 fps stable):P
i can play ET @ 125fps with my 9550se :x
know ur problem
had the same
et doesnt run with the dual core u/me have thats y thefps is fucked up
its not related to card.

neither lower graphics or go
ctrl alt delete > processes > et > mouse button 2 > set affinity> v the 2 cores
I allready have it on CPU 0 and CPU 1 :< :<
its doesnt nessacery say while u play u have the both cpu running or maybe its just turning itself off while in action
actually I notice no difference at all when choosing either

seems like ET uses one core anyway

but i do however put pnkbstrb.exe on core 2 so that I can seperate ET and PB lag
means ur core are strong enought to handle et alone :D most of amd dual sucks 1 alone but together they are better
i got intel pentium dual-core 1.89ghz :/
intel says it all
they are good alone not like amd :D
Yeah , but still 1.89Ghz ... and 512kb L2 cache , I found it odd that it worked that well lol
need test like this for 7 series PLZ <3
You're only supposed to update the drivers if you're having problems or there's a specific fix. Of course you FPS drops, the driver becomes more and more bloated as it supports newer cards. Then it will drop in size when older technology isn't supported - like the 5 or 6 series for example.

I find it funny you criticise nVidia for driver problems when ATi is abysmal.
uuuh, with my drivers from my CD it whas good :<
Check the manufacturers website then, not nVidia's. They should've the drivers supplied on the CD.
lol gif & song
You used the drivers from the CD?
Dunno what the M is :P. But i got the NVIDIA GeForce 9600 GT :]
And btw i had them instaled from the CD first to, but then i got a format and then i downloaded the driver from nvidia thats when my fps whas shitttt
UUUH, i lost my XFX CD :D
Try the 9600GT XXX Alpha dog version of XFX.

i got 2 of them right now but to be honest,
you have with 1 .. XFX9600GT xxx alpha steady 125 fps.

and its only €100 !! ;)

Yes, i got the alpha dog version and still shit fps.
LOL i use the 178 drivers of nvidia + physx drivers.

maybe you dont have pci 2.0 board?
or your just another whiner who isnt satisfied with a steady midrange card.

maybe look the specs and then buy , before buying and then look @ specs?
should help you getting more braincapacity i guess...
I'm using nvidia 175.19, and I get atleast 500+ fps :x
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