Searching some 6on6 clan

Hello guys,

after 0.75 year break, I'm searching some med+ skilled or better clan for upcoming OC season again (prefer Premier League, but 2nd div. isnt the worst way too )

Age: 20
Classes: all smg classes (1st eng-smg , 2nd medic/fop)
Avi: Su-Thu
My skill: med+ imo (maybe better)

For more info, leave me msg here or pm me at IRC ( #crossfire - RiZiSt or RiZiSt111)

GL and HF guys in this game :)
wut, who?
so basicly, after 0.75 year break you increased your skill?
nice.... member for 0 days
I fucking love this now that Yawn isnt working
eC4, ovr, FBI....


more obvious plx

I hate this cf wnbs with "who?" comments :x
same :D And the best is : Who ? , says the unknow guy :D :D
they think they are known :D
who? who? who who who who who who who who who who who who who who who who who who who who who who who who who who who who who who who who?

who zeh faggot are u? ;p
Quote by fagyrifle low+/med- skilled (newb)
2nd engi/fop med- skilled

Not noob like you!
and who the hell are you?
not noob like you!
more noob than u believe to be!
then tell me who are u!?
ammmmm can you plz tell me who are you?

I remember the day I first heard electronic music.
I knew back then this illegal computer sound was gonna be my call.
My heart got hooked on four by four beats when house took this journey with Jack Chicago and acid house.
Now my heart is hooked forever.
I don't care if it's French-tek, hardstyle, hardcore, old school or jump.
I don't understand people who are satisfied with ordinary pop music;
They just listen to whatever radio stations decide they should like.
Followed by an overkill of ring-tone commercials meant for kids.
And my God, they like it! (My God)
Some people even think that house clubs are for weirdos only.
Maybe they're right, maybe we are weird.
Maybe this music is weird, and maybe the clubs are overrated.
But we're in this together. (Together)
If you're in the scene, being a DJ seems like a natural path to follow.
Ha, 'n back in the days, DJ's were weird people who liked music in a weird way.
Back then you had to be a nerd to become a DJ.
Now a days, everybody wants to be a DJ.
Now a days, EVERYBODY wants to be that nerd!
It sickens me, I hate those smart-asses who think DJ is an easy way to get laid.
Well, get a life!
If you're not in it for the love of the music, would you please fuck off!


im off! bb high skiller!
Really delete this not so funny topic b4 some tard, but innosent captain will take you in his clan :)
previous cf account then or nicks or anything? :-)
joo se oliki aika obvious yhessä 3on3 :D
emt onks toi sen vanha mut joku tunnettu hakseri iha vrmaa
tai ehkä se onki bozar :D

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[15:07:49] ::: Whois report for (RiZiSt)
[15:07:49] ::: Address: [email protected] (Czech Republic)
[15:07:49] ::: Name: Peter Money
[15:07:49] ::: Channels: +#nkNn #team-black +#cIII.ET #qonnected.six #et.merc +#czet +#crossfire #aMenti (11/1)
[15:07:49] ::: Server: *, QuakeNet IRC Server
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I hate this fucking vegantard, so pls ;)
Ok Rizisis shisselshizzel mizzel. If I comment your topic that dosent mean you need to send me angry pm`s

Rizsshllesiisshizzel (Ok i trye to spell your name RiZist111) :

"ok, but what did you win in ET? I was 3rd with FBI in OC Premier , so I dont think so, that I'm worse then med+ , so su lowtard, thx Hmmm, maybe you are in EC with some fake :D"

Im answering to you in here coz this is the topic where it all started from.

What did I win in ET?
Friends :) Got them allot (I hope so)
Some little cups not worth of mentioning. (2nd in 2nd Division and again 4th in 2nd division)
I won ETQW cup 4on4 :)
I was second in Warsow newbies cup.
You 3rd in Premier with FBI. Kinda lol thinking that whole team hackt and still didint won.
Thinking you are med+ when not having a clan and 0 day cf account. Well sorry if im not beliving you. Say your real nickname and I think meany of us will be takeing you more seriously.
And no im not all day sitting at my comp reading forums and answering to every guy who pms me, but now im at school and I have a LOOONG break so I have better to do, but answering to this was more fun :).
Sent by RiZiSt111 on Tuesday 30th September 2008, 12:04

Is it funny for you? But I was 3rd in OC Premier with FBI you fucking tard. So I dont think so, that I'm worse then med+ ..... What did you win? Are you in EC? So pls su about skill lowtard
Sent by RiZiSt111 on Tuesday 30th September 08. 13:15

Is it funny for you? But I was 3rd in OC Premier with FBI you fucking tard. So I dont think so, that I'm worse then med+ ..... What did you win? Are you in EC? So pls su about skill lowtard

Pls, Get the fuck out.
GL junky
Harhar, gl random lowpallo
no kuka puhuu?
funny that your ex-teammates have not mentioned you in your ex-clans :o)
GL new maus
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