Need help with pb problem!!!

I've had huge problems with pb since last fall and I'm hoping someone could help me! I'm getting huge fps drops all the time, sometimes even 30fps and it's totally ruining my gaming experience. It feels like watching a dia-show occur.. It's quite weird because I used to have pretty much stable 125 fps and also when I play other games like ie. RTCW, I get stable 125 fps. The problem has to be pb related because my ET worked fine till last fall when some new updates and that PnkbstrB stuff came out.

And my setup:

Pentium4 3,04GHz
Ati Radeon 9600 XT
1,50 GB RAM
welcome to ET
pb is the problem
pb is HUGE problem
I have an almost similar setup and experience about the same lags (most games are fine, except games with punkbuster for some reason - especially ET :()

I have a feeling that pb_sleep 500 sometimes works, but that might be placebo. Don't really know!
got the same problem...
I had the same...

pb_sleep 500 worked for me tho, still getting those lagspikes but not so often anymore.

like once in 5min, before that it was like once in 30sec ;C
welcome to the whole new world of enemy territory !
Had the same, And same like the others.. pb_sleep 500 worked for me too
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