acTivison "Recruiting" (new clan)

acTivision is a new clan that i started manageing and I need a stable lineup - please if you think you are the required player contact me.

what I axpect and dont expect from you:

skill: med / med+ :)

Attitude: friendlly - no flamers - no retards - no complainers - no ass kissers - be able to speack english - not shy to speack on vent!!!! - have patience - no clan ego quiters!!!.

Age: atleast 18+ any lower even 2 days till 18th bday will not be accepted :) -

Record: no cheaters - no ex cheaters - no busteds - trained in a good clan - all time cless will not be accepted.

times of avi: you must be able to play most days of the week for wars and trainings and most important of all be avi at war times 18:00 CET ++++

what i can offer you:

--many servers.
--bnc - website.
--very friendlly manager :)
--seriuse clan up for wars and competitions.
--bill support from sposor for LAN matches. (sposor is my dads freind company :).)

please guys PM me your yawn - your infos at crossfire thankyou.
u should just sponsor an existing team imo :)
you forgot to mention your website
Don't destroy his dreams all at once! :D
ur chance n00n ;)

med+/high DXDDDD
skill: Med+ / high
Med+ / high

Means u need, snoop,butchji mAus? (;
Just because they are known high skillers doesn't mean there isn't any out there.

Good luck btw!!
having sex with 3 girls at the same time
having sex with my freind girlfreind
having sex with my teachers daughter
talking to emma watson - and get her email (objective taken)

what i AXPECT of u:

english skills.
required age to be so c00l.
:) - thank u guys :)= just want to make a friendlly comminuty but skilled :)
try advertising @ netcoders heard they are all skilled and friendly :DDd

srsly no clean med+ high team is gonna have second thoughts about this, especially the name, I mean come on, it's a known brand ... you'll get sued xD
hehe let them try :)
ohh my bad lol AXCEPT LOOOL
i see :( good luck to cheaters :( - but beware i check ur yawn as soon it gets going :).

and im sure that there are many med+ even high skilled players arround not just maus - snoop - etc....
first your english is funny.
secondly i don't believe your med+/high stoy ...
hmmm true - but the ppl i dealed with b4 were so F..... retarded man lol
because 2 days will make such a maturity difference
ahh allright i was just eggsageration lol - i believe u can get the picture right?!
i can get d picture.
eggsagerating can be dangerous, watch out!
im not skilled as a killer - but i know my job well :) (Managing) - and yes my english is wierd even that im from UK lol
I don't know if this post should make me piss myself laughing or if I should pity you...
no offense, but I'm gonna be straight up with you... this community is pretty well established and for a person to just enter it and try to get highskilled players to join is quite ridiculous, sometimes even teams with already good reputations can have difficulty grabbing med+/high skillers. Anyways, I'd recommend searching for low+, maybe med at max and really getting a solid lineup. Even though the skill of your team won't be as high as you might have wanted, at least make them one of the top in their skill level and pretty much make a name for your team in this community, then you can start searching for better players and work on improving your squad. Anyhow, best of luck in finding a team and I still applaud your efforts as a manager (I've been managing for a while now so I understand why you would want highskillers right off the bat but experience tells me that unless u are very well known in the community for establishing strong teams, you won't really get anywhere with that)
weeeeeeee cant be botherd to read this loooooooooooooooooooooool

meh, I suggest you read it rather than waste your time searching for players you probably won't be able to get just yet
you sir look rly retarded

nemisis tries to explain you something and you just said....ah lol its 2 long 2 read

and you want to be a good manager ?

fuck off
m8 it was a joke ok?

If i were writing a "post" like this, i would

1. be a bit creative
2. check my spelling
3. give the text structure

gl with ur next post
First time ever

First time for what? Intelligent comment? :DD
ya i did and thank you m8 ur right - i know what u mean :)
topic changed m8 im searching for med / med+ :)
Member for 0 days =D
please guys if u think ur talented PM me
if you pay me for flight ticket my team joins you clan! :PPPPP
sposor pays but i dont want clans :)
Omg please tell me what a sposor is, i'm like

image: dumbass_1_1_

The community doesn't have the most creative people in it... First Shoes with "Creative".. now this. ._.

gl anyway.
having sex with 3 girls at the same time
having sex with my freind girlfreind
having sex with my teachers daughter
talking to emma watson - and get her email (objective taken)

orignal name!
Quotetalking to emma watson - and get her email (objective taken)

image: lolwut
Copyright ? u check it ?!
someone was very bored in here...
do new spidey game already :<
Quotehaving sex with 3 girls at the same time
having sex with my freind girlfreind
having sex with my teachers daughter
talking to emma watson - and get her email (objective taken)

I see
& your clan history?? :) how many members do u have now?
well i have 11 ppl in mind all arround med+ or something :) - i have to do a testgame to find out the lineup and backups
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