SNB still searching

Our team which is constantly trying to keep up its honorably reputation as one of the most hated teams @ EC and in the scene is still searching sixth who:

United Kingdom Able to speak
Preferably has EC experience
Really good aimer and able to multiclass or a skilled rifle
Can stand a horrifying amount of bad jokes that include using the enemy player nicks in the jokes
Really active, ablo to practice most weeks from su-thu, ~20cet - ~22cet

Well any highskilled player knows if they're able to fill the required meets to succes in EC.

Contact @ #snbattalion or pm Reikkeri / Viax, Viakz / Meez @ irc
take me 8D
don't try to steal our awards
You are so 2 months ago
my inet keeps crashing when i open your profile
How much alx how much
he's not for sale :<
Quote by vila"ok"
hentai owns in his sisters pc!
gl, you'll do well
take me
ahahahahahahaha ... ha .. haha
GL guys

Quoteinclude using the enemy player nicks in the jokes

Why do I have the feeling lio will be the main name in all of this?!
Alright then, I believe you!

to replace who?
ask me!
Attention whoring again I see.
Good luck Supremeez Nigrahul BattleLIOn.
take mize or some other good player
take neveee!
What's with all these forum posts without my knowledge, HUH?!
gl perfo <3
kenTa is avi, or so I've heard.
jaN is avi
you've been doing good even without "really good aimer and able to multiclass or a skilled rifle", why need it now?
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