iC' dead searching for Team

-About me-
-med skilled
-No red yawns


-Must be playing for OC or ladder
-No cheaters
-Must have vent/ts and gameserver
-Talk english

contact m mirc
/q jantyy
gl janty, good aim, nice coms gl
janty was nice but he was inactive and so was bitchyyy so the clan died :( hmm retsev got motivated and made a new clan :D
gl janty
GL Jantyyy! Get him he is cool guy :D :P
GL Janty, waiting for brumu to comment >D
yeah hes a dickhead to me:<
I had t fold clan bceause other leader was going back to uni and tbh i couldnt handle it on me own i am goodwarleader but would rather just play for a team
Looking to start my own eSports team soon m8, you interested in joining?

Will be for the official eSports-Files team.
To bad that iC'Gaming died. It hasn't been on for like two weeks or something?
Anyways, goodluck.
ill be interested just what about brumu thats only thing
i see dead people :o

Still searching for members, interests?.


#Detonationxl Europe
gl !! rly nice guy
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