Looking for an euro clan (ET)

Hi, i'm looking for an european clan, i'm 17 years old, i play ET since summer 2003, i speak fairly english so it shouldn't be a prob to communicate with the rest of the team. I'm an active mid skilled player. Hope somebody reads this... You can contact me using ICQ (264491845) or IRC (#ahkclan.cz)

EDIT: Don't judge for mistakes.
contact me using the ICQ (264491845)

the ICQ



Gl anyway \o/
look at it?
look at the icq
omg GANJA GL !!
hes good, unknown, but good :) GL !
GL, not everyone has been hanging around this site, so don´t judge him by that.
Goodluck :)
Mostly yeah :) But it keeps me busy/entertained, so why not.
Well yeah, a lot of useless "good morning", "my day" and "I DONT KNOW HOW TO USE GOOGLE" -journals around here.

But this is a good thing to gather majority of the community in one place.
it's also a place to let your anger out ^^
gl, welcome to crossfire, where flame is as abundant as it is in hell.
Hi, i'm looking for an europian clan
i speak fairly english
stop jij eens met spammen stomme belg dalijk wordt je nog geband
wegwezen met die belgische taal van je
en ik spam:

Eddo replied to your comment Crossfire 9 Oct 08, 23:18
Eddo replied to your comment Crossfire 9 Oct 08, 23:15
Eddo replied to your comment Crossfire 9 Oct 08, 23:14
Eddo replied to your comment Crossfire 9 Oct 08, 23:12
BossHoer replied to your comment Crossfire 9 Oct 08, 23:19
BossHoer replied to your comment Crossfire 9 Oct 08, 23:17
BossHoer replied to your comment Crossfire 9 Oct 08, 23:17
BossHoer replied to your comment Crossfire 9 Oct 08, 23:14
BossHoer replied to your comment Crossfire 9 Oct 08, 23:10
BossHoer replied to your comment Crossfire 9 Oct 08, 23:01
BossHoer replied to your comment Crossfire 9 Oct 08, 22:54
en de belg wordt geownd :'(
ben je dat nou nog niet gewend
since 2003 and member for 0 days, sounds 'fairly' ;XD
Member For: 0 days "kk"
good luck mate, show them AHK power! :D
he plays ET:QW! (and he's not mid there ...) :)
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