#mix.et 6v6 cup v2

#mix.et is starting an et cup tonight!
  • 6v6 SW
  • Clanbase cb6 Config

Singups:OPEN Right Now

Europe SINGUP Here

For more Infos ask admins in #mix.et


Round 1 @ 20:00 CET Goldrush
Round 2 @ 21:00 CET Radar
Round 3 @ 22:00 CET Supply
Round 4 @ 23:00 CET Delivery & Bremen


* CB/ESL bans not Allowed to play!!
* Everyone must record demos
* Standard cb6 cfg
* Players with a red yawn that is younger than 12 months cant play in this cup
* At least 1 of each team must be at IRC Channel
* pm to `0nk3L`On or r5|hYPERZ for results.

  • `0nk3L`On
  • r5|hYPERZ


IRC: #mix.et

  • image: cup_gold14 Slot warserver for 1 month
  • image: cup_silver Nothing ^^
  • image: cup_bronze Nothing (:
lol if your with a mix, who gets the server then? xD
well, its a mix.et cup, so if you give prizes like a server to a mix, who from the mix get the server? it will never be fair.:D
ah now i got it:DDDDDDDDD
#mix.et is only the irc chan maybe is better to play in a team to use the server^^

avi :o)
avi too bong <3
This will be riddled with hackers.
i fucking wanna win nothing(:
one day cup on saturday : pricless stupidity
need a team
looks nice but seriously who'll get the server from mix?!?!?!
need a team for this cup !
need a team
i will create a skilled mix, pm me on IRC : glitz`kARn4J
Im avi for this cup!
i want to win "nothing" :D
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