CC5 clanZ

Any decent clan looking for CC 5 player?!?!?

Can play every normal class except rifle.

I has won VAE @ this EC

Can meibi play EC 2

Pmme here or @ irc #Incomplete! or /q Reikkeri
gl Reikkeri the best player in all games.. not joke .. take him plz or AIDS
I pronounce world piece.
snb not going?
snb unexpected
need team aswell
rk,overboost,perfo,morf,eager +1 hmm:P
so unexpected :(

hopefully Rk you will recover from this suprise and find a team for CC5
i wants too
u suck to much :<
i played well today :D
who the fucking hell are you, who the fuck, who the fuck, who the fuck are you?!
pm me and sight when you find a team for lan!!
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