Kaide searching new team

Soo, I'm looking for a new team, I can play all smg classes, I consider myself being pretty skilled, I can play from 20.00 cet to 23.00 cet or so, and I might be able to go to cc5 if your team is also going there. You can pm me here or /q Kaide` @ Qnet, or leave a message to Kaide`BNC
ps:Waiting for minds flame :-P
whats wrong with kruger ?
whats up with kruger ?
what happened with kruger?

Kruger, whats up?
they lost prac against famous TTDet so reason is good enougH!
feimous ttd et going for next seasons premier again? If yes, I'd be honoured to play with such a legendary team! :-D
well we will be in EC and we are legends already when we are living
skilled guy take him, kruger fuckdup.
GL kaide
omg YOU killed kruger oO , no let me guess aquila can't come to cc5 ? :DDDD
Gl m8 he is in for the serious bussnis :P
gl kaide, u should listen. nice skills though
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