Snaps 40 in cb3 config ?

can anyone explain me how is it possible to make snaps 40 in cb3 config ?
is forced to 20

image: snaps_40
hax fo sho
cvar unlocker?
so is it Hax or only a bug in et ?
config plzz :D
Download from his profile? 8D
The answer is contained in your question: it is forced to 20.
snaps 40
cheaters :<
rickrolled :<
ye and i bet your not the only 1 :DDD
they weren't fair to say , like i did ;p
you are good ppl :D
Yup They re Polish. But d34th is too retarded for cheating cvar unlocking etc, he just a kid and nice on vent :D
warm up there u can change everything but when warm up over normaly server force the things or pb gives warning or kick the guys :D
You can get rifle nades too :o

Ps: The config force the commands if the config is loaded, but after that you can change the settings back^^
Only a warning will appear (look at the screenshot)

*edit* I think it is maybe the server: You can change it if the server don't got pb_sv_cvar snaps eq 20
doesnt matter what value you put snaps at cause ET servers are hardcoded at sv_fps 20

cg_placebo 1
Very true and all, but that's not the issue here.. The issue is that some guy has snaps 40 on a server that's forced to 20, which should not be possible?
doesnt matter what value you put snaps at


The issue is that some guy has snaps 40 on a server that's forced to 20, which should not be possible?


doesnt matter
Nono, it doesn't matter, but what matters is how they manage to set the locked cvar "snaps" to 40 on a server where it's forced to 20.. Do they have a cvar unlocker? could they just as easily set r_shownormals to 1 as well?
muhah polish haxzors
fockin hackon
:O I've seen a guy with nudge -1 :X
even timenudge -20 is avi at cb config
really? :X it gives me an error :\
This situation can be done without cheats.
I guess it's bug after loading config, I had it too first very weird.
snaps = ?
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