cc5 cless / team

Since i really would like to come and play ET i need a team

But i can also build a new good team if i get 2-3 more reliable players, active before the LAN and experienced enoguh to play good ET and try to don t make an epic fail.

if you are a good medic and a good multiclasser and have already played in some good clan , able to pay all for yourself just pm me.

beeing active and reliable is a MUST , if you are a landodger like Italy guesswho or Netherlands guesswho2 , don t ask k thx
danone, azatej?
winner !!!!
i was thinking danone & ins though
danone & ins
imo ins will come :)
Italy mama and Netherlands Lightning ?
w 1 nn 4 h

cmon so many players , form a team?

mama , decem , gunner etc
just fucking suxx to mix a team together where u can´t be sure that it will last long enough and everyone will come.. and besides that the team should also play good cause no one wants to go to lan and suck.. atleast i wouldn´t want :P ahje and all the players in the team shouldn´t have a problem with each other -> hf with that community

mama,decem,gunner,aphesia,beAsty,dio !
know some other guys too.. like ISEN <3
ah ye , you could also apply for that jungles team , looking forward to meet you ^^
hmm that jungles team looks rly nice.. but not sure if they would take me .. will ask anyway ;) thx
#1 players must like and fix eachother

#2 lack of motivation = wasted money , so no deal with a team have names but can t play good

#3 if everyone enjoy the game without ego feelings but only to play good ET , there will be 0 problems to make a team for the LAN
danone & twinzzy
someone should make forum topic with that clanless players
Italy danone & Netherlands ins

rest are wrong
name hack?
well i will come this time :P and dio just act like that cause he follows the italian retards but in fact he is a nice guy :)
nothin wrong with dAnOnlInE.. but i only say what is happened !!!

hope 2 see you there!
whole fif is about to kill ins if he won't show up ! so believe me he will come xD!
means nothing... he wont "twist" @ cc5!
Netherlands ins "yeah guys sure i'll be there, believe me i will and i will rock :)"

image: crossed-fingers

btw gl @ zeh lan dude
GL my love !
Don't play with him you will loose every offis. ;)
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