He isn't playing in TTDet anymore so you shouldn't put his profile where is related into us
i edited link.
thanks my darling!
why the fuck havent you deleted him from lineup

are you going to play with him when he's unbanned?
QuoteRok expires 22-02-2009 13:00

extending cb ban can be done?
He didn't play CB matches so I think he is not going to get any extend to his ban,if I have understood CB's ban policy right
he cheated during his period aka ban length increase
roki desu :DDD
what a fool
image: roki_logo2

I don't usually take part here but I'd like to come forth with a couple of questions and potential answers aswell.

Yet the question prevails:

(Some links from pbbans won't show since they might be available for SGA's and other admins only)
This is from roki's ban

Okay, say this is a coincidence.

Next one if from Booni clean guid

To find out the missing magic digit:
*This works since pbbans only hides the *205* but doesn't include other digits as *204* in the search. So if I search with *204* in the middle, I get no results (tried it).

I won't make any conclusions but as everyone can see
Evidently a matching ip.

As posted, roki has also this violation

The ban of roki and its renewal is ultimately for the cb admins to decide but this is the info I provide.

My opinion?

On the contrary, the yawn timelines do NOT match.
If he can churn up a resonable explanation for the matching ips, I'm fine, actually I don't mind anyway.

As I previously stated, I won't make any conclusion. Just digging up stuff for hearing.
They aren't same guy and Roki has 3 different pb violations at least. Booni isn't hacker as far as I know
Mind explaining the same ips?

Magic word of 'LAN' is gonna turn up.

Anyways, just wanted to show the same ip.
at least I suppose so and If I remember right they attended at same school and they have played at "home lans".

If I may so your evidence are pretty thin and I would say that your proofs are pretty much guessing game and nothing more

Nice whining and trying to create proofs from non-sense
Quoting myself, I'm just brining this up, not saying they 'patch' up otherwise.

But since everyone doesn't have a fullaccess to pbbans, I can't bring this forth with one link so I had to take screenies of 'linked guids'.

Henceforth, please be kind enough not to address your comments to me, since I am mere bystander here and in for the irony itself but definitely not your 'enemy'.
You can make up your conclusions, but it is pretty arrogant to label Booni as a cheater. There is another point which is lacking of proofs in your argument. As TTD's leader I think you are trying to destroy our "reputation", which is currently cheater free and as far as I concern the situation shall remain so. I am not making enemies with you, but I am stating my opinion and I think I made it quite clear. I won't reply for you anymore, unless you are going to continue your "desperate" mission. If you got still something in your mind feel free to pm us

I was wondering who are you? Since it is pretty easy to accuse good players with no better proofs than you currently have
Cheaterfree disincludes Roki?

Well I'm not here to destroy your rep. nor have made ANY conclusion about Boon hacking.
The evidence quite clearly states that Boon has played at a IP (internet protocol) address from which hacking has been done. And also that the ip the hacking was done from is one of your (ex-)clanmates home ip-address.

And if you were to stop posting utter accuses against me (of my intentions), I could also stop posting here some sunny day, but 'till then, shine on.

Nevertheless, I'm wordless agains the (false) expectation that 'authority = fame.'
So I needn't post my online-achievements.
Like I said roki hans't play with us for almost year now and you still claim that he plays with us? Even if he is in our clan in CB, because I can't delete him.

Your evidence are bullshit, have a nice day
I don't know what's your problem, Roki has been a friend of mine since I was like 7 years old and yes I've been on several "home LANs" with him. I've played ET since 2004 and never touched a cheat. I got banned from Crossfire too when I was @his place cause he was and still is banned from here.
And should I not have had fun with my friends by not going to his lan some months ago to prevent getting CB banned or whatever is gonna happen? Man if somebody actually cared about those kind of things he'd be nerd of the decade. Which is something that you would propably do considering your dedication to this post :)
N1 Alpo.
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