dArw1n is in need....

...of a training partner.
Im looking for someone who has the time to help me to increase my "skill".
Im experienced in ET/RTCW and i'm more or less a intelligent player. (some agree,some dont^^) but im not happy with my aim and movement.
Dunno if my setting are wrong or im just doing it wrong. I got a good cfg imo, play with it for monthes now. So what im looking for is:

a player who
-is skilled and experienced
-got the time to help a good player to become even better :)
-wanna watch some demos with me,so he can give me tipps,tricks
-want some 1on1 - even if he bashes me,np..i wanna learn

about me
-"skill" <- hate that word tbh, is around med..hmm depends on the definition of skill.
-experienced,good overview
-still interested in this game, even if some of u call it "dead"
-current and former clans in my profile,if it matters to u

Well..i think most of u wount give me a pm or a positive comment on this post. But if u want to give me a chance to have more fun in this game,to become a better player and by that maybe teach me some english xD it would be absolutly great.

So crossfire, i hope ur tired of flaming the others so i will see some nice and positive comments ;)

bb and have a nice day

no one will bother helping in this community
my training partner <3 :D
;) soz for gero btw :p
np hes a kiddy 8D lets play later ;)
i have to say gl :>
gl Headi :>
just watch demos of yourself and try to understand why you got killed and what you could have done better.

If you think that it's mainly your aiming and not "playing stupid" (like rushing in at the wrong time etc...) then read manuals like the one by RaZiel.

hope this helps you...
i read the manual like 3 or 4 times allready the last 4 years :) he got some got points in it and it mainly helps ppl.
Ur point with "watching my own demos"..well...ur right with it and wrong too. do u agree when i say, its easier to see someone elses "mistakes" than the own one?
I dont think im playing that stupid :)
i get your drift. that manual is a bit outdated anyways...

have you ever tried to look for patterns in enemy behavior? (like for example paths that everyone takes and spots they are always on) In that way you can predict stuff and already have your crosshair locked.

i'm not skilled myself but it helped me a lot in going from low to medskill :o)
thats one of the points, i call a gameplay "intelligent". To know the camp spots and be prepared all the time u wanna pass one of those spots.
Yesterday we played a cup match vs Mamut.si...hell this was more than easy bash for them. Even if i knew their spots, and i saw em right infront of me, they got me most of the time.
This is pure aiming imo and of course movement too. When there is no place to hide, no boxes etc. and ur loosing a 1on1 like i did yesterday, then its pure aiming.

Dunno how to explain it, so u totally get my point. My english skills arent that good tbh.
sounds like you need to gain control over your mouse then.
Nice journal, but heres the thing, if you know that your aim isnt amazing that its hard for you to shooting 1-1 then you need to think about how you will get the kills, be cleaver with your aim, some of the top players havent got amazing aims but they know what there limit is, and how to work. You get alot of high skilled players that just wait around and camp around corners because there aim might not be decent.

Just think about outsmarting your player with your aim.
bah tekno, this guy wants to learn to get a more stable aim so he can be more agressive and pwn n00bs and all u tell him is to camp around corners?

jesus :D
:D, well it takes time, it took me like 1 to 2 years to get my aim quite decent, i mean i could easily aim against "high" skillers but my brain still isnt there xD

hes just gona have to play with better players dont play 1on1, cos thats camping and back fucking
let's teach him how to aim OFF THE ROX
skills to pay the bills
playing with better players...hmm sounds good, in ET impossible.

U can see that urself every time there are teams looking for players. typical points in there are:

-must know u
-need to be known
-high skilled
-good clanhistory

so, be honest, who of the "good" teams would take a random player so he can learn? im not blaming the teams who are looking for "only skilled" players, dont get me wrong, but its just a fact!

sad but true :(
yeah but the thing is i play with friends, english friends that arnt "high" "med+" skillers

just average med skilled players, you just need to merc around or something, get to know people

Its alot about who you know to start playing with decent people
When I'm looking for a merc I always say "know me", for a simple reason. I don't wanna play with some total randoms who claim they are highskilled, but are mostly cheaters 8D
Hype was looking for a merc yesterday e. g. and like 3 busted cheaters said "hi im merc and highskilled and cless l0l0l pick me"
yeah i understand what u mean. and of course ur right in what u say about cheaters and that u dont wanna play with them.

As tekno said, its a lot about who u know to start playing with decent people < full agree on that
Just gather some randoms and play together until you are good enough for zeh sk1ll3rs, like we did D:
same here with the aim/brain part :<
years ago, madscientist teached me everything D;
It is all about spawntimes and knowing where they are not so you can prepare yourself, atleast for me since I can´t aim. And keeping count of how many of them are alive and whom selfkilled etc.
lol mate you are pro, you should better train me! :D
gl !
lol pro....wanna see how i played against mamut? i bet u will edit ur comment then :D
you couldent be worse then me vs FF when i had 1 -33 stats and 500 dmg given to 4000 received :::::DDDD
anyway we could play a bit together, maybe some 3on3s or so today?
played vs mamut, must be pro
Strafe and crouch. Aim to the head while you do that. Now you're pro, no need to thank me.
gl darwin mate ::DD u dont need any more aim train :D
good luck
Do you have at least a stable 125/100 fps?
well..on most maps i got 125fps,np. radar,grush at bank its really unstable...60-100 flipping all the time. So i love to play indoor like on adler,braun frost etc.
Then there is no fucking way you can't hit and have a decent aim, teKoa said once: ET is all about fps and brightness!
there must be a way to get stable 125/100 FPS,even with my pc....ET is so "old" so i dont think its impossible


Microsoft Windows XP Professional - Service Pack 2 (5.1.2600)(Ram:)232/511.53MB (45.37%) (CPU:)AMD Athlon(TM) XP at 2300MHz (2% Load) 1280x1024 32bit 85Hz (Grafikkarte:)NVIDIA GeForce 6600 128MB

As u can see, its not a great pc,but imo i should get the 125 fps,or?
its all about aiming!
aim > brain :DDDDD
just pm me here, can give u details about msn/icq/vent then;)
get 3on3 team play 24/7 3on3 high
buy cheats
/quit ET and look for a better game.
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