GaRg cless post #1337

Hi once again,
Iam sorry that i have to write so many of these shitty posts....

Iam not active enough for a lineup spot. (sorry that i could never play bd :( )
Iam searching for some nice and chilled guys (preferrably a mixclan or a community) who want to play with me sometimes, i could also be a backup.
Iam usually avi in mornings/afternoons and late at night. (almost never at weeeknds)
I dont care about your skill, iam low+/med skilled or so.
From Switzerland speaking Germany Italy England
Can play medic/engi smg/ ammo fops
contact me in or write me a pm here.
np4bd GaRg :)
GL finding a spot!
Gl fella, take him fools!
Gl garg :O)
High skilled teamkiller <3
gl THCgargunov aka KTAgarg :D
i was gArgunov@KTA :D:D
gl garg...dont waste ur time with searching a team....go and become a 24/7 public owner^^
i play very much pub, but its just boring.
gl... you can still join the bd mixing community! :p
that would be cool!
Parent ^^
we are normally playing random mixes every afternoon and evening...
gl, nice guy !
gl mate ;)

good luck :))
Gl GarG :D
Nice guy !
gl garg :>
meld dich mal wieder im irc, können mal wieder ne runde zocken :)
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